wouldn't something interactive for the megas be great? like a beanstalk scratching post? i have no idea if something like this work, but i'd love to see it happen. i swear my megas get jealous as they watch the smaller cats at play...

I always thought a nice tree scratch post would be wonderful. You're so right Sus, they just look so left out when the others are playing.
How about an interactive musical chairs game, the Megas could shove the smaller cats off the chairs (or just sit on them)! "Mega Revenge" for not being able to play the other reindeer games ;P A mega sized laundry basket would be fun too!
(03-10-2015 08:24 PM)Malayaa Resident Wrote: [ -> ]How about an interactive musical chairs game, the Megas could shove the smaller cats off the chairs (or just sit on them)! "Mega Revenge" for not being able to play the other reindeer games ;P A mega sized laundry basket would be fun too!
musical chairs! i love that! hahaha!
I have a sim-sized tree .. if they ever do that super-mega-OMG-it's-HUGE size and it wants something to tear up

I asked my megas and they say YES to a beanstalk!!! Also, yes to some hug animations. :-)
(03-10-2015 12:14 PM)Susannah Luminos Wrote: [ -> ]wouldn't something interactive for the megas be great? like a beanstalk scratching post? i have no idea if something like this work, but i'd love to see it happen. i swear my megas get jealous as they watch the smaller cats at play... 
would be fun a big beanstalk, full of megapuss
good idea.

i love all your ideas! i totally hope KittyCatS will release some interactive items for our lovely Megapusses! would be so much fun to just keep watching them while playing with their things!