03-07-2015, 04:29 PM
Store one TSP~~
M 6T Pandie flame 300Ls
F 6T russ black w/odyssey cognac wine 300Ls
M 7T russian-black/odyssey cognac wine 400Ls
F Foxie (salt & pepper mask/odyssey cognac wine 400Ls
M 4T Pandie flame 200Ls
M 3T genesis-diamond IV /malachite 200Ls
M 7T red &white tabby 100L's
F 7T Balinese-seal lynx ret 100Ls
F 8T Balinese cream lynx ret 125Ls
F 8T bengal snow (retfur & ears) 125Ls
M 8T Balinese cream lynx (ret) 125Ls
M 8T Foxie S&P mask 125Ls
F 7T balinese seal lynx (ret) 100Ls
Store two REB~~
M 7T foxie -salt & pepper mask, odyssey cognac wine 400Ls
F 7T baliense cream lynx/odyssey cognac wine 400Ls
F 8T Balinese cream lynx (ret) 125Ls
M 5T bengal tawny/odyssey cognac wine 300Ls
M 6T burmese flame/odyssey cognac wine 400Ls
~~F scrambled egg-Quiche~~boxed ~1k~ on sale reduced price !!!!
ton of new stock added to random vendor 1-5 Ts 50L bin
as well as 75L 6T random kitty vendor
and BB random vendor 50Ls