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That's cool. Thanks for letting us know. Crossing finger's for Brie's proof.
Here is the pedigree for the mate Davina is paired with. I'm hoping this was a good pairing choice, and that the dry olive will help show placement. Thanks for contacting and including me, Dray! About 2 days to go for their kitten box. *Fingers crossed*

[Image: Davinas%20Mate%20Pedigree%20-%20Dry%20Ol...utfiy0.png]
Crossing fingers the baby shows the proof! Good luck, Brie!
Here is their kitten. Honestly, I'm still learning about hiddens so I'm not sure what this means. I look forward to your responses. Thanks!

[Image: Verdant%20Pedigree%20112916_zpsgqnnyrar.png]
(11-29-2016 08:41 AM)Brie Reverie Wrote: [ -> ]Here is their kitten. Honestly, I'm still learning about hiddens so I'm not sure what this means. I look forward to your responses. Thanks!

[Image: Verdant%20Pedigree%20112916_zpsgqnnyrar.png]

Well done, Brie! I will analyze the chart for you.

Maternal Grandpa shows light Wash, and maternal Grandma shows Verdant.
Mom shows Light wash, probably from her father.
She also hides either Verdant or something more recessive from her mother.

Dad shows Dry Olive

The kitten shows Grotto.
Grotto is known to be dominant to Dry Olive, so it can't come from Dad.
This means that Mom's hidden eye is Grotto, and not Verdant.

Unfortunately, this means that Mom Davina cannot be used to test Verdant vs Light Wash.
She is an awesome breeder though, and the kitten is also lovely.

Davina's siblings will still have a good chance to carry the dominant eyes from both mom and dad, and can be tested the same way as you tested Davina.
Lovely Kitten Brie, shame it hid the wrong eye but I think grotto is super lovely on that fur Smile
Hi Brie, welcome to dominance testing. Davina got Lightwash from Dad Esdras. As Reven said, Grotto is her hid so Verdant is lost. It also proves that Davina's mom Parsley hides Grotto behind her Verdant. I like to note hids on cats as a lot of times it helps me to fill in the chart of the babies.

Don't feel bad. I'm getting the feeling that Lightwash and Verdant are having a generational Hatfield-McCoy feud because this is about the 10th kitty from Light Wash/Verdant parents who got the more recessive hid if you count all the kittyboxes all of us have birthed and checked. Sighs.
You made me Google, Kayla! Big Grin
lol, I had to think about that Reven. I made her google? Then I realize the Hatfield-McCoys feud is only common knowledge if you watch a lot of American Westerns (or your Dad did like mine did).

Ha, got even! you're always making me think when I look at your charts! laughing.
Thanks all for your assistance and information. This was an interesting experiment! I'm enjoying learning more about hidden traits. I would have liked to show the proof, but I can't really complain in this case since the kitten is adorable <3 Hehe Wink
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