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Full Version: Tuesday 6pm Auction - The ScratchN Post - Blue Marble MEGA! FLAME Swanky Whiskers!
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Join us Tuesday Night at 6pm for Sly's Tuesday Auction!
We will have a great lineup of kitties and the list keeps growing.

[Image: bhhs15.png]
Blue Marble MEGAPUSS with Ody Cognac Wine eyes Male

[Image: 282qdea.png]
Flame (Swanky) Whiskers

6T Aby Dark Chocolate that HIDES BLUE MARBLE!! Female
MEGA Siamese Tortie with Ice Crystal Eyes and Blonde Streaked Whiskers
9T Aussie Lt Chocolate Marble
Bengal Snow TEACUP with Fancie Purple Diamond Eyes
6T Australian Mist Lilac Marble with Latte Swanky Tail
Foxie S&P with Peach Bellini, Soft Curl Ears, Blonde Streaked Whiskers
Siamese Seal with Ody Boo Boo Ears and Dark Chocolate Whiskers
More to come!!

Raffle Kitty: TBA

The prize giver will be going too, so there's a lot of fun in store. Don't miss out!
See you there!!
bumpiity bump bump
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