02-10-2015, 01:34 PM

This is the Fun Drop - board at VYGG - The pricedropper.
PRICE Drops down Every second from HIGH bid down to Minimum bid! If you wanna try to win the cat CHEAP wait and watch price drop down.
BUT DONT wait to LONG or somone will steal the cat. To bid on current price click on the big GREEN letters BUY!
Once somone click BUY the cat is sold. Don't click BUY unless you intend to BUY the cat for the price listed.
If reached minimum price the board will be locked and you cant BUY the cat. SO please click BUY before.
And remember dont wait to long, if you wait to long you will miss out on THIS DEAL!

Hi hi - we will "Drop-some-Prices" at Vygg - RUSH HOUR starts Tuesday 12 pm =0) - Hope u can come - scary and fun - not like it sound!!

Only 5 L - to rent a board =0)
Every Tuesday 12 pm =0)
