Because that Tonkinese hides Abyss Dark Chocolate, that Abyss is pulling the foxie, now that foxie hides Abyss too, you loose the Tonkinese fur, breed that Tonkinese with something more dominant but........ that Abyss Dark (Brenius) behind the Tonkinese always will pull the most recessive

The furs fork like this: (hoping I can make this work graphically)
Sin_____________ Karlos
<[ Tonkinese__________
___________ Foxie Salt&Pepper ]>
<[ AbyDark Chocolate____________
So 50% of the time Sin will throw the Tonkinese, and when she does, the Tonkinese will show. But 50% of the time she will throw AbyDark Chocolate, and when she does the furs of Karlos will show. Karlos, of course, will also throw his furs 50/50. And whenever you see BaliCream or Foxie Salt and pepper in this line, you will know that it is hiding Aby Dark Chocolate.
Pretty cats btw.