KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: [The KittyBox] - KittyCat$ ImageSensor - [CREATES FORUM SIGNATURES]
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KittyCat$ - ImageSensor is a tool created for and by breeders of KittyCatS

The ImageSensor scans for newborn kittens, it counts the traits your breedable kitten has and optionally informs you with the estimated price of your kitten.
This according to a database compiled by a group of breeders and auctioneers to keep most prices uptodate.

Keep in mind however that these pricings are based on scavenging the auctions and markets where these breedables are sold.
Every kitten is put into a database and the average of each trait is made by the program, resulting in the actual price per trait.
Pricing remains a personal thing and these items are solely made to guide you into pricing, so you won't overprice or under price your breedable kitten.

The first time a kitten is born you'll get the full explanation on how to include this signature (one time configuration) onto this forum.

Price: 800 L$ on the marketplace.

C / M / T

** Works only for inworld breeders.
*** Works only for the owner of the sensor.

  1. Create's your own forum signature!
  2. Calculates the estimate price
  3. Randomize background each time a new kitten is born

[Image: Script_Hyun.jpg]

[Image: Script_Hyun2.jpg]

[Image: Script_Hyun3.jpg]

[Image: Script_Hyun4.jpg]

Beta Test Signatures:

[Image: Angellillah_Pyle.jpg]

[Image: Script_Hyun.jpg]

Apply for beta-testing! Just ask in this forum or in world!
My 1st test of the forum sig creation feature......
Hi there, I'm interested in this product, please PM or IM me, thank you! Smile
Mine is working well. Love it!
Do you guys know if the creator is still testing or is it up for sale?
Hello Gloria,

At this moment the team of beta-testers has been set up, applications for this one are closed.
I'm currently building the website for the signatures and once that testing has been finished the sensor will be on the market.
I'm expecting to release it at the end of this month.

Depending on the amount of possible errors that still could occur.

Kind regards
I'm new. Where do I get this? The TP link brought me to a residential neighborhood.

(05-06-2015 11:58 PM)Script Hyun Wrote: [ -> ]** Update to version v1.45 **
They recently closed the KittyBox Secondary Market SIM and their new KittyBox Store is here:
(I just tested the SURL for the other post.)

The one that updates the signature is the "Image Sensor" that looks like this:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3484]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3485]
Thank you!
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