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Full Version: RL kitties vs SL kitties
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Ever had your RL kitties scratching and growling at your SL kitties?

I just had this experience. And then they turn around and look at me as if saying "you love this pixel cat more than me?" look. It makes me fell so guilty after that.

Just flip the webpage to Amazon or Ebay when the cat enters the room!

And make sure it doesnt know your password!!!
LOL, love this. My kitty jumps on my toes if I pay too much attention to the SL kitties.
(02-01-2015 03:12 PM)Winter Phoenix Wrote: [ -> ]
Just flip the webpage to Amazon or Ebay when the cat enters the room!

And make sure it doesnt know your password!!!

hahahahahah Love Ya Winter !Heart You are too Smart! (hides the Password from Kitty Fear!

My Fear (kitty's name) Loves it when i sit down BIG TIME!!! He knows he can get some extra Loving during this time. He is no longer a Baby, he is a Big boy. No Lie when we first got him he would crawl up my body to my shoulder liek he was a toy or teacup. NO LIE! tell he spent to much time watching the new babies on my shoulder Big Grin
He would mainly do this to get a break from my RL Little Boys. I be cleaning the house, washing dishes, cooking, folding laundry, working on my studies or what ever an he would be there sitting on my shoulder. It wasn't kool when he got too big and tried that one.!!! Not At All! But now when i sit he will curl up under my legs for me to foot rub him [i know he is a weird kitty but loves it] Or he jumps in my lap for some petting and cuddling. He has gotten way better to stay off the laptop and keyboard.
Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
i has nothing to say....only to show:
[Image: 215115_10151551642599167_1452944795_n.jpg]
Awww! What a pretty kitty. The expression says it all. Heart
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