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Full Version: 1st KittyCatS Hunt for Secondary Markets by Secondary Markets, start on February 14
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Everything is ok to begin our first hunt secondary market

>> starting location:

[Image: 00c399c2118bf7ca09a2d8fdf4bb5f0b.jpg]

Sims, who are participating in our first edition:

? Pixel Paws - KittyCats Market
? Accessories & Adorable Darlings KittyCats Sim (Vygg)
? Cat's Village - KittyCats
? United Kitty Friends - A Secondary KittyCats Marketplace
? Shamrock Marketplace
? Rainbows End
? KittyCatz ShowCase


Just thinking about it

What do you think of the idea?

Perhaps fun to start preparing our 'hunt Valentines Day's'.

- 1 object to be found by island
- Each simm, prepare their own gifts
- Order of Sims randomly chosen
- Start date, end date
- 5th Febrary - last day to apply
- 9th February - last day to send prizes to be accommodated on the servers

What most needed to organize?

Other islands interested in participating in the 'Hunt Valentine Day's' can contact me, please. I do not know all the simm owners existing secondary market.

All are welcome

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I'm open to this idea!!!
I'm actually excited about Vday
Sounds like a great idea. I love hunts. :-)
sounds like a great idea. Maybe you can include KC shops as well, like those private little mainstores. So more places to hunt^^.
My first hunt I participated in ever was the SL11 birthday kitty?
Oh man was that exciting, I tried my hardest not to cheat lol
Sounds like a plan Fabao Smile


? Cat's Village - KittyCats

(01-12-2015 06:36 AM)Jiyulie Resident Wrote: [ -> ]sounds like a great idea. Maybe you can include KC shops as well, like those private little mainstores. So more places to hunt^^.

very good idea Jiyulie

Sounds good, looking forward to it!


? United Kitty Friends - A Secondary KittyCats Marketplace

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