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Full Version: wanted: boxed leprecats
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Anyone have these?
I know quite some people who own them life but boxed ones are EXTREMELY RARE... I got some permapeted ones... but I can't help with the boxed versions...
I'm afraid that I really doubt there will be any of the boxed ones out there anymore. You would be more likely to find a boxed leprekitten but the price for that will be really quite considerable, 50K-60K total minimum. Even as a live, they get well over 50K

You maybe already know, but the leprecats will not have any special babies as that occurred at the time they were out, when a small number gave birth to leprekittens. I have a few live leprecats if anyone is interested (they just live in my inventory nowadays which is rather a shame) and will keep my eyes and ears open for any boxed ones of them Smile
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