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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everybody from IvyCat

[Image: vrvlok.jpg]
Bryn Lilac sure is a purrrrty kitty! Just lovely, congrats Ivy
Siamese Twins!: a mega and a petite!

[Image: 9e8b9472f756cda5146b1d9052ea63f3.png]

Their SnowCap dad wags his tail in front of them.
Very adorable. Congrats on the twins.

Real twins in sizes?

Never seen that before, very cool!

Thank you all. Yes they are real twins. Unidentical obviously. The little girl came out with more traits: dreamy whiskers and sassy tail to the boy's genesis.
Interestingly, the first (Gen Flame) OS that SnowCap Daddy had was a teacup. And he produced one normal sized box too. Those are some really remarkable odds: 3 birthings > 1 Mega, 1 Normal, 1 Petite, 1 Teacup.
What beautiful kittys you have, and I have to agree Bryn is the most pretty
omg the twins are HILARIOUS!!!!!
congrats on the twins, the little sister got a big brother right out of the box!
I think since I got gyazo I haven't been showing any cats here. It's all been in the Kitty Addicts chat. But I got this pretty girl and I wanted to show her off more:

[Image: 42840711791_ef6c34772d_c.jpg]BreidaChocTipped_001

I know people are kind of sick of burmilla CSSs but I think all the neutrals with the right chocolate-tipped accents just makes her super. And the ody equine Smile
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