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Full Version: Selling my herd, just 100L$ each!
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Please IM me if you are interested in one or more of these cats! Just L$ 100 each!

Balinese - Cream Lynx Azure (Curious| Big) Natural Big Boo Boo Pointed Soft Fold Silver (Mysterious) Normal

Foxie - Red Mask Azure (Curious| Big) Twinkle Shorty Foxie Silver (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Azure (Curious| Big) Natural Big Boo Boo Foxie Silver (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Apple (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Mysterious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Mysterious Rounded White (Mysterious) Petite

Bengal - Snow Apple (Mysterious| Big) Glitter Mysterious Rounded White (Curious) Normal

Chateau Cat - Coffee & Cream No. 1 Canary (Mysterious| Big) Glitter Genesis Odyssey No. 1 White (Guitar) Normal

Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 3 Apple (Mysterious| Small) Porcelain Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Odyssey Terra (Mysterious| Small) Natural Boo Boo Mysterious White (Plush) Normal

Russian - White Apple (Mysterious| Big) Twinkle Plush Rounded 2 Tone Black & White (Mysterious) Normal

Abyssinian - Creme Rainbow Prism (Mysterious| Small) Illume Mysterious Curious 2 Tone Black & White (Plush) Normal

Chateau Cat - Coffee & Cream No. 1 Midnight Sky (Mysterious| Big) Twinkle Big Boo Boo Mysterious 2 Tone Black & White (Guitar) Normal

Bengal - Snow BlueBerry (Mysterious| Big) Flair Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Flame 18-carat Gold (Curious| Big) Natural Frisky Curious 2 Tone Black & White (Curious) Normal

Russian - Black HuckleBerry (Curious| Big) Natural Frisky Curious White (Curious) Normal

Maine Coon - Plush Calico Divine (Curious| Small) Illume Curious Odyssey No. 1 White (Mysterious) Normal

Foxie - Salt & Pepper Mask Odyssey Kaleidoscope (Curious| Small) Natural Genesis Rounded White (Mysterious) Normal

Ocicat - Blue Odyssey Sublime (Curious| Small) Flair Genesis Foxie White (Guitar) Normal

Ocicat - Ebony Silver HuckleBerry (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Mysterious Mysterious Silver (Plush) Normal

Russian - Black Divine (Curious| Big) Illume Curious Rounded White (Curious) Normal

Ocicat - Tawny Caramel (Mysterious| Small) Illume Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Rainbow Prism (Mysterious| Small) Flair Shorty Odyssey No. 2 White (Mysterious) Normal

Ocicat - Ebony Silver Rainbow Prism (Mysterious| Small) Flair Mysterious Mysterious 2 Tone Black & White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Odyssey Carnival (Mysterious| Small) Flair Big Boo Boo Odyssey No. 2 White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Charcoal Odyssey Dream (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Mysterious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 1 Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Boo Boo Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Seal Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Mysterious Rounded White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - Black Lucky Irish Clover (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Big Boo Boo Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Crystal Clear (Curious| Small) Glitter Genesis Soft Fold White (Guitar) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Rainbow Prism (Curious| Big) Natural Curious Odyssey No. 2 White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Chocolate Key Lime (Mysterious| Small) Flair Boo Boo Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Seal Lynx Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Curious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Odyssey Terra (Mysterious| Small) Flair Big Boo Boo Vampire Silver (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Apple (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Plush Odyssey No. 2 2 Tone Black & White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Flame Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Boo Boo Genesis White (Curious) Toy

Russian - Black Azure (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Boo Boo Soft Fold White (Guitar) Normal

Abyssinian - Black Silver Light Wash (Mysterious| Small) Illume Curious Odyssey No. 1 White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - White Plum (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Curious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Snowshoe - Bluepoint BlueBerry (Mysterious| Small) Flair Mysterious Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - White Apple (Mysterious| Small) Flair Mysterious Curious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Platinum (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Lilac Lynx BlueBerry (Curious| Small) Illume Mysterious Odyssey No. 1 White (Curious) Normal

Bengal - Charcoal Odyssey Dream (Mysterious| Small) Natural Frisky Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Seal Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Porcelain Mysterious Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 1 Blue Ice (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - White Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Flair Genesis Mysterious White (Mysterious) Toy

Siamese - Chocolate Odyssey Dream (Mysterious| Small) Illume Plush Rounded White (Mysterious) Normal

American Shorthair - Silver Tabby Strawberry Bellini (Curious| Small) Glitter Frisky Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Abyssinian - Ruddy Double Dip Flora (Curious| Small) Flair Bent Boo Boo Rounded White (Curious) Normal

Balinese - Lilac Lynx Rainbow Prism (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Big Boo Boo Rounded White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Lilac Lynx Canary (Mysterious| Small) Flair Genesis Mysterious White (Curious) Normal

Foxie - Auburn Fire (Mysterious| Small) Flair Curious Curious White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - Black Canary (Mysterious| Small) Flair Mysterious Curious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Odyssey Dream (Mysterious| Small) Illume Mysterious Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 1 Bronze (Curious| Small) Glitter Mysterious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Seal BlueBerry (Mysterious| Small) Twinkle Shorty Odyssey No. 2 White (Mysterious) Normal

American Shorthair - Silver Tabby Strawberry Bellini (Curious| Small) Flair Mysterious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow BlueBerry (Mysterious| Small) Porcelain Curious Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Chocolate Fancie Blue Diamond (Mysterious| Small) Natural Mysterious Curious White (Mysterious) Normal

Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 1 Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Flair Boo Boo Odyssey No. 2 White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - White Grape Ice (Mysterious| Small) Porcelain Curious Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - Black BlueBerry (Mysterious| Small) Flair Frisky Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Seal Lynx Apple (Mysterious| Small) Porcelain Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Fancie Blue Diamond (Curious| Big) Glitter Mysterious Curious Silver (Mysterious) Normal

Foxie - Blondie Rainbow Prism (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Plush Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Seal Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Porcelain Mysterious Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Siamese - Flame Odyssey Rainbow (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Plush Mysterious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Odyssey Terra (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Curious Mysterious Silver (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Cream Lynx Fancie Blue Diamond (Mysterious| Big) Twinkle Boo Boo Rounded Silver (Mysterious) Normal

American Shorthair - Blue Tabby Odyssey Carnival (Mysterious| Small) Natural Frisky Odyssey Boo Boo White (Curious) Normal

Russian - White Odyssey Dream (Mysterious| Small) Flair Mysterious Rounded White (Mysterious) Normal

Balinese - Seal Lynx Gerbera Orange (Mysterious| Small) Illume Mysterious Genesis White (Mysterious) Normal

Foxie - Auburn BlueBerry (Mysterious| Small) Flair Plush Curious White (Mysterious) Normal

Bengal - Snow Odyssey Dream (Mysterious| Small) Illume Plush Rounded White (Mysterious) Normal

Russian - Black Bronze (Curious| Small) Illume Mysterious Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Abyssinian - Lilac Rainbow Prism (Mysterious| Small) Natural Frisky Soft Fold White (Mysterious) Normal

Ocicat - Lavender Canary (Mysterious| Small) Glitter Genesis Curious White (Mysterious) Normal
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