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Full Version: hold on new traits - what do y'all think?
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I would like to suggest that there be no more new traits for a while - and would like to know what the wider community thinks of this?..
(10-26-2014 04:18 AM)Icestron Resident Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to suggest that there be no more new traits for a while - and would like to know what the wider community thinks of this?..

Hello Icestron

Good topic discussion to be held here.

I love new traits, so always welcome them. Its been a looooooooooooooooooong time since we had new traits, so they can be expected now at Halloween, Xmas and in the new year with the Valentine and Easter Collections.

So my answer is we have had such a long hold already. We need new traits to freshen up the secondary market.
I like them. Especially this year the new breeds. It makes breeding for fun and interesting isn't that why we breed? For fun and to make interesting looking cats and unique cats? Now we have more of a selection to do that with. Smile
We need them.
Hi, Icetron. We actually need it especially new breeds. This actually helps the secondary market to boom again. Plus, the fun of getting new traits. I always go for fun and excitement.
I was discussing that today ... we have been asking that less traits come out each collection for a while. It used to be fun having bid wars, now we basically stare in disbelief with the lack of excitement. And excitement is what keeps the things rolling. Anyway, it is what it is.
I will follow this discussion. I like the theme. I have my thoughts on this subject.
I love new traits the more the better let them coming!
Makes creating kitties even more fun and projects likely more unique.
I am a sucker for being surprised by KittyCatS with lovely traits and by my starters ofcourse Smile
And, there it is!

Welcome to the next phase of KittyCatS complaints.

Here is a suggestion for KittyCatS: could you PLEASE automate the creation of these threads? There must be a Calendar addon somewhere which we can use to automatically complain about too many traits at the end of October. Maybe you can get it in before Christmas to automate the complains about traits losing value too quickly?

Oh, sorry, this thread is supposed to be about the "Annual Complaint About Wanting It All And How Hard it Is To Get It All When There Is So Much New Stuff To Find"
(10-26-2014 10:16 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]And, there it is!

Welcome to the next phase of KittyCatS complaints.

Here is a suggestion for KittyCatS: could you PLEASE automate the creation of these threads? There must be a Calendar addon somewhere which we can use to automatically complain about too many traits at the end of October. Maybe you can get it in before Christmas to automate the complains about traits losing value too quickly?

Oh, sorry, this thread is supposed to be about the "Annual Complaint About Wanting It All And How Hard it Is To Get It All When There Is So Much New Stuff To Find"

Lolz this gave me big belly laughs Tongue
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