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Can anyone help me find a Russian Blue male cat? I am not looking to breed, So if he is already perma petted that would be fine. However, I am going to perma pet him otherwise. Feel free to message me in world with a price. Thank you.
(10-12-2014 08:29 PM)Jared Swords Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone help me find a Russian Blue male cat? I am not looking to breed, So if he is already perma petted that would be fine. However, I am going to perma pet him otherwise. Feel free to message me in world with a price. Thank you.

Hi Jared, I have four Russian Blue Male Kittenboxes. 5T Azure eyes, 6T Apple eyes, 7T JADE eyes, and 8T Platinum eyes at my shop, priced from 225 to 360 $L.
They are in the back of the front patio, all in a line. Sent you an IM too.
I have a boy, his partner is going to be breed off in 2 days time. I'm still hoping for a Kitty from them. If you want, I can sell you that Kitty. You can IM me inworld.
Hello! I have a Russian blue boy Smile
Fur: Russian - Blue
Eyes: Light Wash (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Curious
Ears: Mysterious
Whiskers: White (Shape: Curious)
Size: Normal
You can find it in my store ->
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