Hi all
After so many people keep asking for something like a list of traits sorted by dominance, I thought it might be worth a try. I ll be collecting (and sharing) data.
How can you help?
I need data of 2 cats with the SAME trait making an offspring spotting another. Like
*2 black russians make a white baby
*2 oceania eyed having a canary.
*2 myst tails surprised you with plush
*2 illume get glitter
Paste this kittens/cats into onto an NC, one per cat please add your name and drop them in a mailbox here
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Imperial%20Land/32/173/22. (I chose to have a mailbox because it stores notes, so nothing gets lost)
There is a little TY gift for your effort.
Let's rock this project
Hey Malicia - seems we're quite a few working on just that :-) I have been fortunate to have a lot of kind people's help, so I definately found out more than I could have on my own, and I did promise to share it once I got any sort of order in the chaos that is my notes
So, where did everyone's info go? Right now, it's in a notecard in my inventory, and on a spreadsheet, and soon also in a google docs that Khea made for that purpose... But how to best present the whole thing when there's still tons of holes in the lines of proof? THAT's the main problem right now. I'd hate to ruin someone's breeding by making inaccurate assumptions here and there.
However, some things are 100% sure - like the tail traits, the ear traits, the whisker traits and all the genesis traits - and they will go into those google docs very soon. The non-genesis furs and eyes present a bigger problem - but the more, the merrier - and if you manage to find a way to share half-finished lists in a brilliant way, I'll happily contribute to your project as well as my own
(10-03-2011 03:08 AM)Saga Felix Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Malicia - seems we're quite a few working on just that :-) I have been fortunate to have a lot of kind people's help, so I definately found out more than I could have on my own, and I did promise to share it once I got any sort of order in the chaos that is my notes 
So, where did everyone's info go? Right now, it's in a notecard in my inventory, and on a spreadsheet, and soon also in a google docs that Khea made for that purpose... But how to best present the whole thing when there's still tons of holes in the lines of proof? THAT's the main problem right now. I'd hate to ruin someone's breeding by making inaccurate assumptions here and there.
However, some things are 100% sure - like the tail traits, the ear traits, the whisker traits and all the genesis traits - and they will go into those google docs very soon. The non-genesis furs and eyes present a bigger problem - but the more, the merrier - and if you manage to find a way to share half-finished lists in a brilliant way, I'll happily contribute to your project as well as my own 
That's the beauty of a spreadsheet, there's 'insert cell' and 'insert row' and 'insert column'
You could put some kind of disclaimer on the spreadsheet so that viewers understand the data is still being collated. There's also 'notes' you can put onto the spreadsheets, so you could add in things like 'this is a sub-string of data that could be moved later when more info comes to light', or color code for stuff like that.
edited to add: Also, the 'notes' or 'comments' feature is where you could paste where you got the information from. For example, when someone sends you a notecard saying "A Eye is more recessive than B Eye" and cites the kitten's info, you could just plonk that down in there. (Or not... I'm just anal that way, habits formed from being a statistician

hey Saga,
I know there were different attempts being made, and you are right, the more the better. I think I passed you some of the data I collected among my critters. I think E mailing the half finished lists back and forth add in the data each cattery can provide is the 1st step to conilidate and crosscheck. A big plus would be all the nice peeps here passing their data. Still, the biggest gaps are interbreedal (I'll TM that word) and the eyes, as well as placing the new furs. I chose the drop me an NC way because I thought it might be easiest to have the data collection inworld - where stuff happens.
my e-mail is MaliciaP@live.de
Suggestion on the spreadsheet: For gaps or suspected-but-not-confirmed items, fill those cells with yellow. (caution).
I for one would never hold anyone creating this list responsible for a bad breeding...there are just too many variables. I would love to see whatever you have!