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Full Version: 9T Wild TIger Fussy Tail Latte!
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? 9T BengSnow WildTiger Fussy Latte/Mysti
Fur: Bengal - Snow
Eyes: Mint Julep (Shape: Mysterious Pupil: Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Fussy
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Latte (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Available at:
(09-26-2014 10:45 AM)LavitaLoca Vita Wrote: [ -> ]? 9T BengSnow WildTiger Fussy Latte/Mysti
Fur: Bengal - Snow
Eyes: Mint Julep (Shape: Mysterious Pupil: Small)
Shade: Illume
Tail: Fussy
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Latte (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal
Available at:

Here's a picture of this little beauty Smile
to the top...
do you still have the kitty? LM wouldn't work for me.
(10-02-2014 02:01 AM)Starr Smithson Wrote: [ -> ]do you still have the kitty? LM wouldn't work for me.

Hi Starr,
Yes, she is still available. The LM is:
I find that sometimes LM's get shortened somehow in posts...not sure why or what to do about that.
Also, I have the kitten's sister who is identical except that she has plush whiskers--so if you prefer plush to mysti just let me know. I just need to keep one of them for myself Smile

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