KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Last day! 150 L CLEARANCE SALE
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150L - All normal sized boxes & toys/teacups!

? Big selection of Maine Coons Silver Tortoiseshell, from 4T to 9T

? Maine Coons Plush 9T

? American Shorthairs, including retired Silver & White Tabby, Blue Tabby (Mega too!), Silver Tabby.

? Ocicats Black with black fussy whiskers.

? Foxies Auburn

? Balinese Cream Lynx with rounded fold ears. Mega too!

? Teacups, Toys, BDB & MegaPusses.

K.CAT Store locations:
1. Sweet Whiskers
2. Bit of everything
3. Pixel Paws
Offers are welcome.
New kittens arrived to the store.
New kittens arrived to the store.
I added few more boxes if high traited cats.
Great cats for sale!
I added few more boxes if high traited cats.
Great cats for sale!
Great cats for sale!
Great cats for sale!
New kittens in store.
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