09-16-2014, 03:48 PM
Need to clear out some KITTY CATS breedables... over run with cats and no place to put them...
TONS only $75
I am a breeder not a reseller... new boxes added often.. Prices definitely negotiable
Bigger De Big, Petite, teacup, kitty, cat, cats, kittycats, breedable, pets, breed, ocicat, snowshoe, American shorthair, Siamese, pandie, coco, Bengal, Russian,
TONS only $75
I am a breeder not a reseller... new boxes added often.. Prices definitely negotiable
Bigger De Big, Petite, teacup, kitty, cat, cats, kittycats, breedable, pets, breed, ocicat, snowshoe, American shorthair, Siamese, pandie, coco, Bengal, Russian,