09-03-2014, 04:57 PM
I am Avril or better Anoel Lyrya - am new to the catworld in SL but not new to SL at all
i got over 1 month ago my first cat from Judy's Shop - i named him Filou Krummbein - he is a maincoon, one week later i got the siam lilac girl Lamuraja -
than ... i promised to myself, thats enough cats for my Atelier and home -giggles-. Forget it i already was addiccted to them loooool now i have 13 cats - one of them is just with us for careness like a babysitter am because her momy is in rl holiday for several weeks
my cute ones got already kittens and you cant believe how wonderful kittens.
https://www.facebook.com/avrilleona.rhiadra - there you can find some albums with them
and am sure you will enjoy - to be a catmommy is sooooo nice...
hope to hear from a lot of other cat mommys - with best regards Anoel Lyrya

than ... i promised to myself, thats enough cats for my Atelier and home -giggles-. Forget it i already was addiccted to them loooool now i have 13 cats - one of them is just with us for careness like a babysitter am because her momy is in rl holiday for several weeks

my cute ones got already kittens and you cant believe how wonderful kittens.
https://www.facebook.com/avrilleona.rhiadra - there you can find some albums with them

hope to hear from a lot of other cat mommys - with best regards Anoel Lyrya