KittyCatS! Community Forum

Full Version: Happy 4th Birthday to the Firestorm Phoenix Project!
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Today is the 4th Birthday of Firestorm!! To thank all of the people who work hard on that project to make our life easier in Second Life, we created the Fireball Kitty!!


You can get it for free at our mainshop or some selected markets. For more information about the Fireball Kitty and the locations for getting it, please visit the official Firestorm blog here.

Thank you so much Firestorm Team, and Happy Birthday from the KittyCatS Community!!

Your KittyCatS Team
Thank you so very much... And thanks to FireStorm, too!
Thank you very much to KittyCatS.

Happy Birthday to Phoenix Firestorm.
Wow! Thank you so much for creating this beautiful birthday kitty ~ and thanks to the Firestorm team. I can't use the official SL viewer, so I'm very thankful for the work they do.
someone just asked me about a shoulder pet. Is there a shoulder pet version of this kitty? (also thank you for another pretty pet phoenix kitty)

someone else told me that the POE shoulder pet might still be there so i passed that info on to the person who asked about a shoulder pet as well as letting them know the phoenix kitty was free - they were right there at the sim but sounded new.
Thank you KittyCatS! and Firestorm for this lovely kitty. *soft smiles* I do so enjoy this new addition.
Thank You! Thank You! Sooo gorgeous !
Heart hugs
Thank you. Love my new kitty! And love Firestorm too, it's all I use and appreciative of all their work!
woot love my cat haha
lovely kitten, you'd wish they'd never grow up Smile
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