After reading through this thread carefully, I have to say that I agree with Dimpz. I think auctions are a wonderful thing, because newbies such as myself can learn more about KittyCatS and can get to know other members in the community. At auctions you see which cats/traits are more significant and you can kind of get ideas as to what people are going after. With the amount of auctions there is currently, I find it difficult to attend a lot of them. I think it's sad when auctions are held and no one's buying anything. In my honest opinion future sales just bring the moral down a bit.
I think auctioneers should try their best to not overlap into another auctioneers time-slot, because chances are high that buyers will leave the current auction to flock to the next one. I hope that we as a community can work on this a bit, because as of right now I'm a tad bit overwhelmed with the amount of auctions there are daily.
Good luck & happy breeding everyone!
While I agree it seems almost impossible to protect each time slot with this bigger community I am a little sentimental as for the feeling an auction one time per week, per market, with an epic line up and an honor to bring a cat because we were able to grab that much wanted panel and all.
It were really epic events worth waiting for and looking forward too.
Perhaps more importantly we can only spend our money one time it is just impossible to support every auction out there even if they were not overlapping eachother.
So I used to go to the auctions which brought the best kitties and with so many panels to fill each day I notice too much every day kitties sadly.
With every day kitties I don't mean they are not good but it is not a jaw dropping line up frequently and it are kitties which we can find on the markets as well with a little patience to look well enough.
Also as seller I rather do not bring my kitties at slow auctions.
I rather have them on that epic events we used to have.
Less is more I think.
The auctions that have been around longer with an established time have the same advantage that older businesses do -- as long as they have been doing a good job, they will have built up a loyal customer base so the fact that newer ones are adding auctions should be of less concern to them. The people adding new auctions need to be aware of which older auctions are very popular so they don't overlap the time -- for their own good, otherwise people are less likely to even visit their auction. When new auctions don't take this basic precaution, they will be complaining that no one goes to their auction and that the kittycats community is not friendly or supportive to new auctioneers when it is in fact their own fault. New auctions need time to build up a customer base and if they don't realize this, we will be hearing a lot more complaints from new auctions. I actually think the older auctions have the benefit at this time --- as long as they are doing a good job, people will stay loyal and continue to go.
(09-05-2014 12:04 PM)Vrem Vaniva Wrote: [ -> ]Well thought-out responses here, all.
What I am hearing in Charlotte's post is a broad, sweeping "call for respectful treatment of each other." It's hard in a community with 20,000 members to avoid bumping into rudeness somewhere. And then there are a few who have lots of clout, and seem to take pleasure in clobbering people because they can.
The auction schedule has become more than full now -- there was a discussion of it a few months ago in this forum. At first I thought maybe the Auctioneers should join a special club where they would work out schedules and set up a "no toes stepped on" schedule -- with their own regulation. But ... SL just doesn't work that way.
Most auctioneers I know, if they start a new auction area, make a huge effort to choose a time slot that isn't already "taken." Overlaps are almost unavoidable now ... but in the long run, the really great auctioneers will do well and the weaker ones will either become strong, or stop.
We'll attend the ones that work with our schedules, the pleasant and fun ones, the ones where we feel welcome, the ones where we can buy and/or sell our cats -- and very possibly , the ones we don't attend won't persist as long. There's a limit to how many hours a day a person can stand to sit in auctions, too.
If you launch a new television show, you don't want the same time slot with the world's #1 top rated TV show. If had a new kids' cartoon, I would not want to be competing with Captain Kangaroo at the same time (assuming C.K. is the top show, haha).
Most of all, I think, Charlotte may be wishing we'd all adhere more closely to the motto of Bill and Ted :
"Be excellent to each other!"
Well written Vrem.
I came to read the forum and most of what I wanted to add was said so well on Vrems post I tho't I would just add this.
The auctions are NOT about the auctioneers. They are Not about who can put up the most fabulous cat in the community. Auctions are about sales. I don't know that any of the rest matters. People want to sell their least the majority, or we would not have as many markets and stores as we have now. They want to sell their cats and auctions are a great way to get exposure and to network. And our job as the auctioneer is to sell the cats. Period. This is not about time slots anymore. There are enough markets/sims to support the amount of auctions we have and more. The problem is not with the time slots or what ever else is being said. One of the problems is that you all assume the people talking on this forum are speaking for the masses. We number very few comparatively to the numbers of people who breed and sell KittyCats. We are not the only people who's opinion matters... there are hundreds and hundreds more out there than never read these forums so the opinion of the few people here cannot speak for the masses of potential clients that would love to attend an auction.
I personally think that its very narrow minded to think that the 15 people that come to one auction are the same 15 that must attend or even will attend all of them.
What I see the same people getting panels week after week in a these auctions. Unless you are there right at the exact moment they go on sale there is no way to get a panel. So what about all the rest...excluding the 12 that just got your panel. Are you telling me that everyone else in Kittycats is outta luck because your panels are gone. So for the entire hour of Your Personal Auction, NO one in the kitty cats market should have an opportunity to sell their cat in an another auction. That is ridiculous. One auction an hour sells at most 12 cats. With hundreds of stores and hundreds of breeders and so many markets... are you telling me all those people are completely outta luck cause they could not get a panel at your auction?
Well they can come to mine. And the newer auctioneers auctions that are out there.
This is a huge market and you are being very narrow in the way you are thinking about it.
Cream rises to the top. If you are at the top of your game then competition should not freak you out the way it does.
The KittyCats community deserves more than 12 slots an hour to sell their thousands of cats.