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Full Version: pandiefawn-blushshade!sale
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now sale!
only one box!!!


? New Born Kitten

Fur: Pandie - Fawn
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Blush
Tail: Curious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: Normal

Version: 1.41
Owner: isato Xstar
ID: 9a6a0b9c-114b-594e-e524-1268ef2c4ae2
MOM: Holde
Fur: Pandie - Fawn
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Curious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)

DAD: Drue
Fur: Pandie - Fawn
Eyes: Jade (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Curious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
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