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Full Version: Looking for a Lavender Fancie - Fancie Abyssinian - Peridot Passion
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I've recently put in my jewels and I received another Fancie

[Image: c0f5e17741336e6dc0ac68d08cc2539b.png]

The kitten is still Boxed and will remain boxed for trading,
in this picture you can see that I already have the Green Fancie and I'm looking for the Lavender one since it's the only one I still need to have them all,
is there someone who has a lavender one and is willing to trade?

Contact me in IM (Script Hyun) or by this thread.

Thank you
I really want the Peridot one. I should be able to trade in this week, and if I get a Lavender I'll be in touch!

ETA: Sorry, mine arrived and it's Fancie Rose. Guess we both have to keep trying! Confused
Okies, I'll keep this one boxed just in case Smile
Thanks Draven
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