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Full Version: Cat Lover for Life
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Hello everyone,
In real life my name is also Roselyn. I was born and raised in the up in the hills of California USA. A funeral director by profession. I love books,Vampires, music, history, and of course kitties. I got my first cat when I was about 9 years old and have never been without one since. I have only ever owned long haired black cats. My current ones I have now are Mordrid the 3rd, Madusa the 2nd, Hannibal, Ripper, Chernobyl , and Hades. In rl I unfortunatly suffer from severe social anxiety so I have never really formed relationships with people in person but I always had my kitties with me to make up for it. I came to SL near one year ago and it was 332 days ago that I accidently fell upon my first SL kitten on the marketplace while looking for vampire things. I fell inlove as soon as I saw her. An adorable Black russian with passion eyes and vampire ears. It was never my intention to start breeding but I felt bad for my little Ripper because she was alone so 10 days later I found her mate Vlad. It was all over for me right then and there. I was addicted for life and have been breeding Black Russians ever since. I named my store Kittens of the Night. I have kept every cat I have ever birthed smiles. I can not bare to part with even one so I currently have 68 kitties running around my residence, smiles I love them so.
Wishing you a very warm welcome to the KittyCatS forums. I do hope that you may be very happy here.
I love your rl kitties names.....the black russians are one of my favorite....:-)
welcome roselyn!!

how wonderful of you to reach out and introduce yourself! thank you for sharing what you did and consider this another warm welcome to our community. Smile

i'm happy you love the vampire kitties Smile (i see maxwell commented and he's a fine breeder of those too!)

i hope to meet you inworld sometime, maybe you can come to our fishing event or something.

take care and again thank you for introducing yourself. having anxiety can be tough so i really admire you.


Thank you all for the warm welcomes, I really appriciate it. And yes it would be great to meet in world sometime. Drop me an IM or note card with the fishing or event info and I will try to make it. You can also try dropping by one of my stores I am normally at one of them when on lol. It is called Kittens of the Night I have three of them. You can find LMs for them a in my profile pics. And agree that Maxwell is a fine breeder, I actually got many of my cats from him when I was starting out. I look forward to meeting you. Smile

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