Thank you for this cool initiative!
As Kendrah suggested I always enable "show in search" on my cats and boxes.
I'd like to add some other suggestions too :-)
1.) It may help to name cats and boxes descriptive I bet many people like to shop with "Area Search" if they use Firestorm: (World > Area Search - In the "List Tab" enable "Show Beacons" - In the "Find Tab" search for traits etc.)
2.) You can use your forum signature to make a link to your shop(s) if there is too little space you can use something like "
Tiny Url" to make your links shorter in the "
User CP" you can change, beyond others, your signature via the left hand index.
3.) It helps to make a pick in your profile in world which leads to your shop(s) just so fellow breeders can find it.
4.) Also which is quite helpful for me personally is to make my kitties as unique as possible with traits from which I feel compliment eachother and not all traits I use are per se hot and happening I like to mix and match them.
We have plenty of traits to pick from to make our cats shine and Tad's
build a cat tool is priceless just to see up front what traits work good together.
5.) Eventually you can make pictures from your breeds and create a
Showroom with them here on the forum.
I believe a picture tells more than words can describe.
This last suggestion gives me private sales also regardless a shop in world from people interested in an OS from a particular breed.
A Showroom is easy to create via a free
Flickr account.
When you have some cool pictures you like to share and have uploaded you can use a picture's
BBCode to share it.
This you can do by clicking the picture you want to share, so it fills your screen, and use the "Share" option under it.
Via the arrow you can change the prefered size of your picture like in the picture underneath the arrow which points to the right is the share button.
You can click this picture to see it bigger.
6.) On Flickr there are plenty of groups about KittyCatS! and breedables in general in which you can add your pictures to make sure they are seen and become relevant.
Beyond others this is the official
KittyCatS! Flickr Group ยป
Also you can easily Tweet your picture via the Flickr interface in case you have a social network on Twitter from which people are interested to see photo's of your new breeds.
This can be done via the same menu in Flickr on an enlarged picture by clicking the Twitter Icon.
Making good use of the tags within Flickr makes your picture relevant in the search engines as well.
A keyword made out of more than one word can be placed between quotes "My Keyword Example" to be displayed as one tag.
7.) It perhaps is a matter of taste also but I'd avoid to many hover texts in your store they tend to give a cluttery result even on long distances I think when people are really interested they will click the box or cat anyway.
And I always feel when it comes to displaying kitties less is more too many boxes and kitties displayed can take away from eachother or to many KittyCatS! Specials from the same kind can look as if they are not so unique so I'd release them bit by bit.
8.) If you like to blog already you may like to consider to start a blog about your cattery and cross link it in your signature and try to get it syndicated just to get the word out.
9.) In general live kitties seems to sell better than boxed kitties.
I prefer to sell them boxed and I also have sold many lives in the past but I just tend to want to take them home when they are alive lol.
But I certainly had better sales when I had them displayed live because people didn't have to wait 14 days for them to grow up but could use them in most instances right away in their projects.
Also it may be worth while to rent some extra prims at your prefered market to make your store attractive.
You may just need those prims to make it more than an average shop.
~ Kay