07-15-2014, 09:43 AM
The Menagerie Magic Bottle (http://kittycats.biz/online/get_cat.php?m=2) offers the user a means to retrieve up to three cats which were sent to the Menagerie but cannot be pulled back because they were sent in more than a week ago.
Unfortunately, once the limit of three has been reached, this page simply displays an error.
Many people don't really want to pull back their cats, simply view them.
At present, the only way to do this is to carefully avoid pulling back the third cat. Some, however, especially when the feature was first introduced, have already done so.
Using the direct link helps, if you have not pulled back the limit. Since no actual bottle was involved, clicking on a cat fails, and the limit cannot be reached.
A better solution would be to allow everyone to see their Menagerie, regardless of the limit.
What I propose is a simple change:
1) Remove the error message and display the cats.
2) If a Bottle was used, and the limit of three has been reached, OR if the direct link as used, disable the OnClick function for all cats. Optionally, have the OnClick bring up an error message box to inform the user that the cat cannot be retrieved from the Menagerie.
This moves the check for the limit-of-3 from before displaying the list, to the point at which the user has actually attempted to pull the cat back.
It allows ALL users to view their long-term Menagerie, not just those with the self discipline to avoid pulling back their third cat.
Unfortunately, once the limit of three has been reached, this page simply displays an error.
Many people don't really want to pull back their cats, simply view them.
At present, the only way to do this is to carefully avoid pulling back the third cat. Some, however, especially when the feature was first introduced, have already done so.
Using the direct link helps, if you have not pulled back the limit. Since no actual bottle was involved, clicking on a cat fails, and the limit cannot be reached.
A better solution would be to allow everyone to see their Menagerie, regardless of the limit.
What I propose is a simple change:
1) Remove the error message and display the cats.
2) If a Bottle was used, and the limit of three has been reached, OR if the direct link as used, disable the OnClick function for all cats. Optionally, have the OnClick bring up an error message box to inform the user that the cat cannot be retrieved from the Menagerie.
This moves the check for the limit-of-3 from before displaying the list, to the point at which the user has actually attempted to pull the cat back.
It allows ALL users to view their long-term Menagerie, not just those with the self discipline to avoid pulling back their third cat.