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Full Version: Suggestion: One Click to bring multiple boxes to the Online Cattery
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At the moment I'm busy to bring 1000-some boxes from one Avie's cattery to the other trust me you don't want to trade places with me because i have much pain in my arm in the mean while >.<
This needs to be done per box via two clicks namely also to confirm that we wish to indeed bring a box to the cattery and this after I emptied the cattery from these 1000-some boxes in my other acount one by freaking one @¿@
My suggestion would be somewhat like what the gem collector does one click collects all gems of that sort.
Obviously for boxes this should be in a tight range to avoid boxes are send to the cattery which should not be there.
I though maybe an area as big as the platform of the dock.
It would be so convenient if we could place more boxes on that platform covering eachother and with one click they would poof to the Online Cattery.
That way retreived boxes can be taken in a soft link brought to the other account that account can rezz the soft link on the dock one click and done Smile

EDIT A bridge to bring boxes from cattery to an other cattery would be even more awsome certainly if we can group them more.
Eventhough I want to try to breed in the Online Cattery and get used to that I simply can't because I have a visual memory and feel blind in the Online Cattery.
The locations where my cats are in world tells me everything about what project is going on there.
Therefore as a side suggestion I would love to be able to create "Rooms" rooms for pets which do not need food, rooms for a certain project in which milk is requiered etc. in which we can name in a way that makes sense to us.
I'd like a room per project or type of project which we can create ourself and make it so we can tweak wether these kitties eat or not or drink milk etc.
With the size of my cattery I need a lot of land which I rather spend on fun stuff and having some pets and projects to keep me company but at the moment I can't find my way in the Online Cattery at all.

A more visual representation of rooms we named next to eachother with cats in it would do the trick for me.
Click the room for info etc. and maybe even a notepad for that room.

In other words can you completely remake the cattery for me? LOL Tongue

Thank you for considering!

I do like the idea of "rooms." At present we have to use an alt's cattery (or SL inventory, or keeping cats inworld) to establish a "no food room," or a distinction between "milk" and "no-milk" cats.

I have to keep "cats that need milk" inworld, but space and script limitations on a homestead sim keeps this number lower than I would like. I've thought of asking for a "milk checkbox" next to each cat in Cattery -- "this cat gets milk" or "this cat doesn't get milk" -- but ... that could be too messy to implement in an already huge database.

Also, the non-breeding cats in cattery make it more difficult to keep count of the number of breeding males and females. For example, right now my cattery says there are 51 girls and 46 boys. To find out how many breeding girls and boys, ... well, when sorted by Love, the permapets go to the beginning of the row, while the elderly non-breeders are at the end. So ... a count takes away ... hmm, 1+3 girls and 1+3 boys. And "I was told there would be no math!" exclaims Silly Cat.

With "rooms," you would not have to send 1,000 boxes to an alt's cattery. It would also be helpful to have a room for "boxes to be sold," so that you don't have to rename the cat "Buy Me" or "4Sale" or "Keep Me" or "Unpack Me."

Ease of use is probably going to be the overriding concern. If the Cattery gets complicated, people will have problems with it.
Wow Vrem, super extra input such as rooms for boxes we want to sell! Smile
Makes me think of a transfer room or exchange room where we can set boxes or kittens for sale for a specific other person also convenient to transfer boxes and cats from one alt to the other.
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