06-30-2014, 01:57 PM
Here are the winners:
RagdollSessan Resident
BrendaLee Fredriksson
Nisaa Beorn
Cutie Rau
Arella Ohmai
Carlotta Ceawlin
Alissia73 Resident
Shukie Galicia
Rebecca Serrao
Diego Savagard
kierancarter Resident
HoodedCrow Blackheart
Tawnni Tigerpaw
Lostime Resident
Your KittyCatS Team
Post your predicted results here
Remember one per person, if you post 2 the first one will count.
Go Belgium...Go USA!!
Good Luck
Your KittyCats Team
RagdollSessan Resident
BrendaLee Fredriksson
Nisaa Beorn
Cutie Rau
Arella Ohmai
Carlotta Ceawlin
Alissia73 Resident
Shukie Galicia
Rebecca Serrao
Diego Savagard
kierancarter Resident
HoodedCrow Blackheart
Tawnni Tigerpaw
Lostime Resident
Your KittyCatS Team
Post your predicted results here

Remember one per person, if you post 2 the first one will count.
Go Belgium...Go USA!!
Good Luck

Your KittyCats Team