I just got my first KittyCat, he's only a day old. So I'm really new to all of this. Never had any other virtual pets either. I do have a RL cat, he's already 12 years old.
I live in HHVET Victoriana, and spend most of my time in various 18th and 19th century sims.
Miss Winn Storm
Here's wishing you a very warm welcome to KittyCatS.
I hope that you enjoy being a part of this amazing community.
Heys Winn!
Welcome to the KittyCats Family! I am sure you will have so much fun here and if you are ever lost or need help, feel free to contact any of us. This is a great breedables community and we can all share in the KittyCats addiction together. 
Lots of love,
Welcome to Kittycats!!! Mizaki is right, if you need any help I am sure there will be plenty of help available. Have fun!
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm considering trying to breed them, but not sure if anyone would be interested in my cat. I think he is fairly basic. We'll see, I guess.