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Full Version: Pandie Platinum Clearance
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Downsizing a bit. My pandies are reduced even lower. I still have 7t-9T most have solid pedigrees. All pedigree links should be enabled.
Go get one, I just had my first gorgeous box from Rula!
So glad to hear that Gloria!!!! I still have boxes out Smile these will be the last for a while Go get them while the prices are low!
small bump Smile Prices reduced for the last time.
bumpity bump!
I will hate to menagerie these that is why theya re at a low price. Come get one Smile
bumpies Tongue
a couple of boxes left!!
Congrats to our winner!
[08:29] Raffle Board v1.6: AstridSolace Resident has just won the raffle located at RideOn (137,106,22)
Looks like the remaining boxes are going to the menagerie. Thank you everyone whobought something Smile
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