Maybe I am one of the few in world breeders.
My family just likes it better to actually see the cats we are breeding, otherwise it would take away joy for us.
I noticed though Online Cattery users have some benefits we in world breeders don't have.
More up to date cats ((minor) bug fixes) I'd like to suggest that with each new cattery dock there will be an update can available for in world breeders as well.
Minor bugs involves us too.
And transfer a complete cattery to the Online Cattery and back in order to update them is with a fairly big and organized cattery no option.
And I noticed since I had some food in the cattery and I bred some special babies there that they birth in a second instead of 15 minutes in world.
It would be awesome if we had that too.
Also what I always wanted for my cattery: that cats do not breed unless they are partnered is facilitized in the Online Cattery but not in world why we have more oopsy cats.
I hope breeding in world can become just as convenient as in the Online Cattery.
Thank you for considering.
I also only breed my cats in world. I would definitely appreciate the ability to update my cats in world more efficiently. I don't use the cattery at all. I've never used the cattery dock, and would like to continue to avoid it. I don't have a large amount of cats in world, but I'd like a better updating system in world. An update button on the menu would be my preference.
I'd like to see the birth time dropped to like five minutes or less in world. Thirty was way too long, fifteen is better, but still a pain point when you really have other important things to do.
I have to disagree with cats needing to be partnered to breed in world. I actually like the oopsie, or random aspect and sometimes keep a few pairs of kitties on the same cycles and within the same distance of each other so they pick their own mate. I thought the point of the partner option was to control this issue for people who don't like accidental breeding.
I sometimes sell some of my live breeding cats, so I don't want the partnering issues to pass on to my customers. I would actually prefer partnering to automatically be removed upon transfer so that it is no longer an issue.

It seems to me that the primary solution would be to add an Update Nearby Cats function to the Dock. Basically adding a function to make the Dock into an Updater. The Dock already has most of the logic required; what it lacks should be fairly simple to move over from the actual Updater.
I remember the bellyaching about the 30 minute box delay and how nice it was to have it reduced to only 15 minutes. I had not heard (but it makes sense that it's this way) that there was no 15-minute delay birthing a box on the web site. It's too bad that Cattery users get preferential treatment. It seems that the only fair solution would be to eliminate the 15-minute delay.
There are a LOT of other differences between how it works in-world and how it works in the Cattery and it would be a Very Good Idea to work to eliminate them. The re-box tool is but one example. It's only available in-world and should be make available to Cattery users. If I thought on it, I could probably come up with a surprisingly extensive list.
(05-07-2014 06:09 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]It seems to me that the primary solution would be to add an Update Nearby Cats function to the Dock. Basically adding a function to make the Dock into an Updater. The Dock already has most of the logic required; what it lacks should be fairly simple to move over from the actual Updater.
I remember the bellyaching about the 30 minute box delay and how nice it was to have it reduced to only 15 minutes. I had not heard (but it makes sense that it's this way) that there was no 15-minute delay birthing a box on the web site. It's too bad that Cattery users get preferential treatment. It seems that the only fair solution would be to eliminate the 15-minute delay.
There are a LOT of other differences between how it works in-world and how it works in the Cattery and it would be a Very Good Idea to work to eliminate them. The re-box tool is but one example. It's only available in-world and should be make available to Cattery users. If I thought on it, I could probably come up with a surprisingly extensive list.
Yes I much agree with you both breeding in world or via the Online cattery should be similar in all aspects.
(05-07-2014 04:00 PM)Ryanna Enfield Wrote: [ -> ]...
I have to disagree with cats needing to be partnered to breed in world. I actually like the oopsie, or random aspect and sometimes keep a few pairs of kitties on the same cycles and within the same distance of each other so they pick their own mate. I thought the point of the partner option was to control this issue for people who don't like accidental breeding.
I sometimes sell some of my live breeding cats, so I don't want the partnering issues to pass on to my customers. I would actually prefer partnering to automatically be removed upon transfer so that it is no longer an issue. 
Good Point!
I'd like the best of both worlds for those who like the accidental breedings and those who do rather not have them

Or put the 15 delay on the cattery? I rather like the 15 minutes wait time on my boxes, it's very exciting, if it's just 5 minutes or instantly then I'll get horribly bored with it. For me, opening a box is a special event, it's not something you do in a rush, it's something you plan a little a head and then get all excited you're about to burst before the 15 minutes are up

(05-11-2014 04:37 AM)jc aferdita Wrote: [ -> ]Or put the 15 delay on the cattery? I rather like the 15 minutes wait time on my boxes, it's very exciting, if it's just 5 minutes or instantly then I'll get horribly bored with it. For me, opening a box is a special event, it's not something you do in a rush, it's something you plan a little a head and then get all excited you're about to burst before the 15 minutes are up 
Perhaps a switch for those who like to wait long is better because I don't like the idea to bring every box in my cattery to the Online Cattery to unpack it.
It would be nice to reduce the birthing time In-World. As Kayleigh stated above, I also send kitties that have been born In-World to the cattery for unpacking because it's instant. I prefer to not have to wait 15 minutes for a kitten to be born when I know I can do it in under 2 seconds in the cattery. Collection kitties are born in 5 minutes. Why are other kittens born in 15? Maybe there's a method to this madness that I'm unaware of, but it doesn't particularly make sense for the cattery to have a 15 min advantage to those who birth kitties in game, or the collection kittens to have a 10 minute advantage over other kittens. It would be preferable to make it an instant unpack across the board, really.
That's because the LE-cats are starters, all starters have 5 minutes, while all bred out kittycats have 15 minutes.
Well it used to be 30 minutes, so be a bit thankful

I like these ideas too, especially Tads, love the idea of the dock as an updater
I don't want the in-world birth time reduced any further. Fifteen minutes is perfect for second-guessing and watching that box wiggle around. It goes by so fast!
If I need a cat born instantly, I just send it to the Cattery, birth it, and bring it back in-world.
I suppose five minutes is all right for store-bought cats. We don't know what their hidden traits are, so there's no double-checking and second-guessing.
Reducing or eliminating the wait time eliminates our ability to choose. If you want insta-birth, CHOOSE to use the Cattery to birth the box.