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Full Version: Could use a mentor!
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I would love to find an experienced breeder who could have a few discussions with me, giving me some advice on where to go next with breeding my kitties. I don't really want to post a dozen questions here, and it would really help me sort things out if I could share pedigree, ask questions, etc. I don't want to bore someone either, or take up a ton of your time, but I would be very respectful and appreciative of any time someone could spend with me chatting inworld.
Thanks in advance! Smile
You are very welcome to IM me any time, will gladly help you with your projects and explanations.
Liriel Garnet who, who keeps the Saga Dominance charts updated, gives classes on Sundays at 9 SLT. I have taken them and they are very helpful. I bet the landmark is in her profile.
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