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Full Version: Why aren't my kitties gaining love?
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I have four newly adult kitties... all 7 days old. One of them is 92% happy and has 9% love. I haven't done anything except provide milk and food. The other three are at about 75 to 80% happy and 0% love. They all have the same access to food and milk. Why would only one kitty be gaining love? They are all 'breed on' and partnered. Is there something I'm missing?

[Image: 14014508984_a1f11e553e_s.jpg]

I got them over 90% happy, but still no love.

UPDATE 4/26/2014 7:11AM MST: I submitted a support ticket since several people have peeked in this thread but no one has replied. I'll post the response in case anyone else is having a similar problem.
Are they just 7 days old? Then it takes a little bit to start to gain takes 7 days AFTER they become 'adults' to get to 100 %. How long after turning 7 have they been at 0%?

(04-25-2014 07:28 PM)Adana Ember Wrote: [ -> ]I have four newly adult kitties... all 7 days old. One of them is 92% happy and has 9% love. I haven't done anything except provide milk and food. The other three are at about 75 to 80% happy and 0% love. They all have the same access to food and milk. Why would only one kitty be gaining love? They are all 'breed on' and partnered. Is there something I'm missing?

[Image: 14014508984_a1f11e553e_s.jpg]

I got them over 90% happy, but still no love.

UPDATE 4/26/2014 7:11AM MST: I submitted a support ticket since several people have peeked in this thread but no one has replied. I'll post the response in case anyone else is having a similar problem.
From what I am understanding, your kitties ARE 7 days old. Cynthia is right. Your kitties should be at 100% love around 14-16 days depending on if you do keep the milk around and/or cuddle them for 30 mins every day.
(04-26-2014 11:56 AM)Cynthia Deere Wrote: [ -> ]Are they just 7 days old? Then it takes a little bit to start to gain takes 7 days AFTER they become 'adults' to get to 100 %. How long after turning 7 have they been at 0%?

(04-25-2014 07:28 PM)Adana Ember Wrote: [ -> ]I have four newly adult kitties... all 7 days old. One of them is 92% happy and has 9% love. I haven't done anything except provide milk and food. The other three are at about 75 to 80% happy and 0% love. They all have the same access to food and milk. Why would only one kitty be gaining love? They are all 'breed on' and partnered. Is there something I'm missing?

[Image: 14014508984_a1f11e553e_s.jpg]

I got them over 90% happy, but still no love.

UPDATE 4/26/2014 7:11AM MST: I submitted a support ticket since several people have peeked in this thread but no one has replied. I'll post the response in case anyone else is having a similar problem.

Thank you! I was beginning to think I'd stumped the KittyCats world Smile ... and maybe I still shall Big Grin ...

Feran is the youngest at 7 days 22 hours he is 0% love and 87% happiness
Giovanni is 8 days, 14 hours and he is 0% love, 89% happiness
Purrsilla is 8 days, 14 hours and she is 0% love, 87% happiness
And finally...
Pinto is 8 days, 14 hours and she is 19% love, 90% happiness. <= this is what I expected more or less.

They all have milk, I've petted and cuddled the ones that aren't gaining love ... nothing. I've checked and double checked and they all have breed turned on.
Well I think I figured it out all by myself and I feel pretty foolish. Back when I was waffling back and forth whether to breed or not I put three of my kitties on no breed so they wouldn't eat as much. I meant to do all four, but I messed up (which was fortunate for me or I never would have figured this out). Anyway, when I turned breed back on I didn't realize they would be on food recovery. I think someone mentioned it back when I was fudging around about breeding or not breeding, but I didn't pay very close attention... anyhow...

So I thought I'd move my kitties into the cattery to see if that would make any difference. I moved Feran first and I noticed he had this lovely star next to him... I thought, how nice, he's earned a star. I moved his mate, Pinto, into the cattery to join him and I saw that she didn't have a star. I said, hmmmm... I moused over the star and it said "in food recovery." AH-HA!!! I checked the vitamins, and sure enough, there's a food recovery vitamin. I gave it to him and I bought some for Purrsilla and Gio as well. They've already been dosed. Now we'll wait and see if they start feelin the luuurrrve.

Thanks for letting me blather on about this and I hope it helps someone else. Smile ... and I'll be back if it didn't work RolleyesBig Grin
(04-26-2014 05:09 PM)Adana Ember Wrote: [ -> ]Well I think I figured it out all by myself and I feel pretty foolish. Back when I was waffling back and forth whether to breed or not I put three of my kitties on no breed so they wouldn't eat as much. I meant to do all four, but I messed up (which was fortunate for me or I never would have figured this out). Anyway, when I turned breed back on I didn't realize they would be on food recovery. I think someone mentioned it back when I was fudging around about breeding or not breeding, but I didn't pay very close attention... anyhow...

So I thought I'd move my kitties into the cattery to see if that would make any difference. I moved Feran first and I noticed he had this lovely star next to him... I thought, how nice, he's earned a star. I moved his mate, Pinto, into the cattery to join him and I saw that she didn't have a star. I said, hmmmm... I moused over the star and it said "in food recovery." AH-HA!!! I checked the vitamins, and sure enough, there's a food recovery vitamin. I gave it to him and I bought some for Purrsilla and Gio as well. They've already been dosed. Now we'll wait and see if they start feelin the luuurrrve.

Thanks for letting me blather on about this and I hope it helps someone else. Smile ... and I'll be back if it didn't work RolleyesBig Grin

Don't feel bad. This kind of stuff happens to everyone at one time another. I'm sure your dilemma will help out new breeders and forgetful older ones. Idea

I still can remember when I first started with KittyCatS, I ran to a love shack to pick up a mate for my male kitty. Didn't realize that the mate I picked up was also male! I was blinded by his odyssey splash eyes. I loved that cat so much that I brought him back from the menagerie recently.

Thanks LuLu Smile

... now back to your regularly scheduled discussions. Smile
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