My dear kitty went in adventures in our new garden, look what he found!
Milo the cat could not sleep! He went to count sheep...
*Cuddles Milo the cow kitty* xD So many flying sheeps!
Milo the Cat heard strange meowing this morning in his garden, he went to see who is was? Big Easter surprise jumped out of basket!
Happy Easter, everyone!
Happy easter cute Milooo the kittehhh and Olgyy too! I feel like snuggling with the purple bunneh Kitteh!
Milo looks like he wants a pair of those purple jammies
Yeah, I think he might envy the big purple kitty! Looks warm and snuggly.
(03-31-2014 10:12 AM)Olgita Ruby Wrote: [ -> ]My dear kitty went in adventures in our new garden, look what he found!
Awww Milo so cute, my boyfriend calls Amethyst; our red tabby mega a moo cat and me like NO; she not a moo cat. Poor Amy lol