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Full Version: FOUND - Mega Bali Cream or Chocolate
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Hey all, I'm looking for Mega Male Bali with the following traits...

Fur: Balinese - Cream or Chocolate
Eyes: Any BLUE Shade (Mysterious/Big or Small)
Shade: Any
Tail: No Genesis or Boo Boo's
Ears: No Genesis
Whiskers: No Silver (No Guitar)
Size: MegaPuss

IM me in world or leave a message here please. Thanks for you looking. Big Grin
This is the closest I have Debil if you're interested you can contact me inworld.

Fur: Balinese - Cream Lynx
Eyes: Beach Blue (Curious|Big)
Shade: Glitter
Tail: Curious
Ears: Genesis
Whiskers: White (Guitar)

Size: MegaPuss
Fur: Balinese - Cream Lynx
Eyes: Light Wash (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Flair
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Rounded
Whiskers: White (Mysterious)
Size: MegaPuss

IM me if you are interested in it.
Thank you all for your response. I have found the one I was looking for.
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