07-19-2011, 11:50 AM
KittyCatS! Update V1.08
Hello KittyCatS! Owners!
Happy Summer again! Another update??? Oh why oh why??? Well... because we had a few little things we wanted to share with you! Some surprises some you will find out now and some later... also we got rid of a few little fleas
NOTE: If this is your first time doing an update with KittyCatS! the process is very simple. Yes, you heard right, VERY simple. (At the bottom of this note are the simple steps on how to update)
Alrighty then... here are the highlights, additions, changes and fixes included in this update.
* Introducing: Fancy CatS! & KittyCatS! Jewels
KittyCatS! proudly introduces KittyCatS! Jewels & Fancy CatS!. At very random times, your cats will gift you with a rare gemstone... (you will have to wait and see what they are) when you get them you can collect them and when you get the amount needed they will give you a Fancy Cat! Our Fancies will be very special cats that will range from variations on different breed colors ONLY available thru being a "Fancy"! Also... the KittyCatS! Jewels can be traded or sold for those of you who have more than you need. We hope this is fun for you!
* Introducing: Whiskers Whiskers Whiskers!
We're really excited about adding the new whisker traits! It's been something we've wanted to do for quite some time!
As of now the "default" whiskers are called Silver for color and "Guitar" Shape. Funny shape name huh?
As a little bonus we added a different hidden trait in the update (the same for all) which basically means YOUR CATS CAN HAVE OFFSPRING WITH A DIFFERENT SHAPED/COLORED WHISKER as SOON as you breed them! You won't have to wait for your new babies to grow for this trait to show up! Even more new Whiskers to discover can be found in the new starters! Enjoy!
* Fully configurable On/Off floating text settings for your boxes! Including all traits, box name and size.
Time to give a more focused and pleasant oversight in your stores!
* Left Shoulder and Cuddle attachment positions are now restored when manually adjusted, reset on owner change, kept on update. So no more readjusting
* For KittyCatS HUD owners: HUD display increased from 240 to 275 KittyCatS!
* KittyCatS will not walk for 4 minutes after been sent home or teleported to you with the KittyCatS HUD.
* Identical twins will no longer show as non identical after an update, for boxes born after this update.
* Box rotation will now be kept after an update... Yes, less work for you
* Cats will not listen anymore for a new name, partner or range if other buttons got pressed meanwhile in the menu.
(also fixes the problem where a cat for which a partner attempt was initiated , but not finished yet, messed up the partnering that was set from an other cat in the meantime).
* possible fix for some cats ending up with a disproportional head for a short time (Yes, we need your help here, keep reporting the problem if it still occurs!)
* "I love you, avi_name" will now only say the first name.
* Cats which have " Walk & Run" and "Sit & Lay " disabled will no longer do funny moves with their head... Oops!
* Perma-Pets will now also sort on gender.
* Cats will now also sort properly on sleeping when their name contains a symbol.
* Slider texture will now display correct with 50+ cats.
* HUD counter will now show 1-5 instead of 0-5 when 5 or less cats present.
* HUD will show the tool icons when exact 5 KittyCatS are found.
* Coming Soon! *
* Next week : update of the pedigree site to reflect whiskers as well as an overview of your Jewels & some minor adjustments
Also next week... "Scratch and sniff???" NOOOOO it's SL we can't smell, how about... Scratch & Climb???
You will find a new fun way to watch your KittyCatS scamper about and well... you will have to wait and see it
So be looking for that next week in the store! Your KittyCatS can't wait to show off for you
So...... That sums up this update! Again, thank you for your continued support, feedback and enthusiasm!
You're the BEST!
In the coming 24 hours your cats will start to show an "UPDATE ME" tag.
As soon as they do, the UPDATE button will be available in your cats menu to obtain an updater.
As of that point, you have 2 weeks to update your cats.
Make sure you have at least 30 prims available when you run the updater.
EASY AS 1,2,3 updating steps:
1. Click the "UPDATE" button in the menu of your cat and it will give you an updater.
2. Rez the Updater
3. Click the "can of Update" and watch it as it updates all your cats and boxes! The updater will give KittyCatS HUD owners a new HUD as well.
No need to move cats, re rez them, group them, travel to sandboxes, pull your hair, or anything! It's REALLY that easy.
All settings for your cat will be kept, including the group. Only if you had a cat or box for sale, you will have to put them for sale again...
Your KittyCatS Team
©2011 KittyCatS!. All rights reserved. All information contained in this notecard is © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.
KittyCatS! Update V1.08
Hello KittyCatS! Owners!
Happy Summer again! Another update??? Oh why oh why??? Well... because we had a few little things we wanted to share with you! Some surprises some you will find out now and some later... also we got rid of a few little fleas

NOTE: If this is your first time doing an update with KittyCatS! the process is very simple. Yes, you heard right, VERY simple. (At the bottom of this note are the simple steps on how to update)
Alrighty then... here are the highlights, additions, changes and fixes included in this update.
* Introducing: Fancy CatS! & KittyCatS! Jewels
KittyCatS! proudly introduces KittyCatS! Jewels & Fancy CatS!. At very random times, your cats will gift you with a rare gemstone... (you will have to wait and see what they are) when you get them you can collect them and when you get the amount needed they will give you a Fancy Cat! Our Fancies will be very special cats that will range from variations on different breed colors ONLY available thru being a "Fancy"! Also... the KittyCatS! Jewels can be traded or sold for those of you who have more than you need. We hope this is fun for you!
* Introducing: Whiskers Whiskers Whiskers!
We're really excited about adding the new whisker traits! It's been something we've wanted to do for quite some time!
As of now the "default" whiskers are called Silver for color and "Guitar" Shape. Funny shape name huh?
As a little bonus we added a different hidden trait in the update (the same for all) which basically means YOUR CATS CAN HAVE OFFSPRING WITH A DIFFERENT SHAPED/COLORED WHISKER as SOON as you breed them! You won't have to wait for your new babies to grow for this trait to show up! Even more new Whiskers to discover can be found in the new starters! Enjoy!
* Fully configurable On/Off floating text settings for your boxes! Including all traits, box name and size.
Time to give a more focused and pleasant oversight in your stores!
* Left Shoulder and Cuddle attachment positions are now restored when manually adjusted, reset on owner change, kept on update. So no more readjusting

* For KittyCatS HUD owners: HUD display increased from 240 to 275 KittyCatS!
* KittyCatS will not walk for 4 minutes after been sent home or teleported to you with the KittyCatS HUD.
* Identical twins will no longer show as non identical after an update, for boxes born after this update.
* Box rotation will now be kept after an update... Yes, less work for you

* Cats will not listen anymore for a new name, partner or range if other buttons got pressed meanwhile in the menu.
(also fixes the problem where a cat for which a partner attempt was initiated , but not finished yet, messed up the partnering that was set from an other cat in the meantime).
* possible fix for some cats ending up with a disproportional head for a short time (Yes, we need your help here, keep reporting the problem if it still occurs!)
* "I love you, avi_name" will now only say the first name.
* Cats which have " Walk & Run" and "Sit & Lay " disabled will no longer do funny moves with their head... Oops!
* Perma-Pets will now also sort on gender.
* Cats will now also sort properly on sleeping when their name contains a symbol.
* Slider texture will now display correct with 50+ cats.
* HUD counter will now show 1-5 instead of 0-5 when 5 or less cats present.
* HUD will show the tool icons when exact 5 KittyCatS are found.
* Coming Soon! *
* Next week : update of the pedigree site to reflect whiskers as well as an overview of your Jewels & some minor adjustments
Also next week... "Scratch and sniff???" NOOOOO it's SL we can't smell, how about... Scratch & Climb???
You will find a new fun way to watch your KittyCatS scamper about and well... you will have to wait and see it

So be looking for that next week in the store! Your KittyCatS can't wait to show off for you

So...... That sums up this update! Again, thank you for your continued support, feedback and enthusiasm!
You're the BEST!
In the coming 24 hours your cats will start to show an "UPDATE ME" tag.
As soon as they do, the UPDATE button will be available in your cats menu to obtain an updater.
As of that point, you have 2 weeks to update your cats.
Make sure you have at least 30 prims available when you run the updater.
EASY AS 1,2,3 updating steps:
1. Click the "UPDATE" button in the menu of your cat and it will give you an updater.
2. Rez the Updater
3. Click the "can of Update" and watch it as it updates all your cats and boxes! The updater will give KittyCatS HUD owners a new HUD as well.
No need to move cats, re rez them, group them, travel to sandboxes, pull your hair, or anything! It's REALLY that easy.

All settings for your cat will be kept, including the group. Only if you had a cat or box for sale, you will have to put them for sale again...
Your KittyCatS Team
©2011 KittyCatS!. All rights reserved. All information contained in this notecard is © KittyCatS! and may not be used without permission.