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Full Version: What should i sell a snowball 2012 (unopened)
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I have a snowball 2012 in the box yet with the lil kitty food the main box says tradable so i was wondering how much it was worth? if it isnt worth much i may just let it be my pet. Ty for anyone who helps Smile
As a rule the free gift xmas kitties are non transferable unless they are permapetted , so maybe check it its trans first send it to a friend or something Smile
(03-13-2014 04:22 PM)ruby Tierbal Wrote: [ -> ]As a rule the free gift xmas kitties are non transferable unless they are permapetted , so maybe check it its trans first send it to a friend or something Smile

ty, it does say it is transfer when i look at it in edit but when i look at it in my inventory it isnt. and i tried to sent it to a friend it wouldnt go so y ou are correct Smile
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