Everyone! We're in desperate need of your help! We've got invaders in the Vampire Kitties ruins!
Maxwell and I arrived to check on our Vampire Kitties, only to discover that a skulk of foxes had taken over their land. Word has been sent to us via a messenger from the Vampire King that the Vampire Kitties are safe and would like to return.
It's just that they were outnumbered! And well, this is why we need your help!
Can you please help us to relocate these Foxie Foxie kitties so our Vampire Kitties will feel it is safe to return? Please hurry. They're eating all the grass around the ruins!
Vampire...I mean...Foxie Foxie Kitties!
Good grief Skippy! Look at this!
Our vampire kittens are cowering in the shadows at home and won't return to our ruined shop until these foxie foxie invaders have dispersed.
Don't worry though Skippy - I can't see them staying for too long. (I hope.) It's not often we see a foxie auburn fur with foxie ears too. I bet that passing customers will fall in love with these and take them home very soon. I think it is fair to say that our vampires will return to their regular "haunt" in a week or so, when the last of this skulk of foxie foxes has disappeared.
Can you offer them a loving home?
Vampire ... I mean ... Foxie Foxie Kitties!
Oh my... The Vampire King left a note!
![[Image: 13133541043_4d418e61c4_b.jpg]](http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3750/13133541043_4d418e61c4_b.jpg)
Sorry, when they "gotta box" they "gotta box!"
Our two Foxies just couldn't restrain themselves and hold back their natural desires. When no one was watching at the ruins, they played some romantic music, partook of a candlelight super and ... well ... increased the population of the Foxie Foxies boxes by one, dropping back to their zero percent love. If you missed this purchase, to be fair to any potential customers, I have decreased their prices by one third as they have reverted to zero percent love.
The raven told us that the Foxies will be out on their travels soon, to allow our vampires back. If you missed our vampire kittens, they will return on Wednesday and these Foxie-eared/Foxied-fured kittens will wander off to pastures new. If you want a Foxie Foxie combination from the old ruins, Wednesday will be your last opportunity.

Hip Hip Hooray! The Vampire Kitties return!
Let the celebration begin!
The Vampire Kitties drove out the remaining foxie foxie interlopers!
Long Live the Vampire King!
Although we did love seeing the foxie-eared foxie-furred kittens around, it's great to welcome the return of the vampire kitties back at our shop.
Welcome back!