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Full Version: Bengal needs a mate....
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Hey breeders! Guess what?! yep, it's our first Lucky Sale!

Store is restocked and the Cart is too! Prices have all dropped.. and I mean DROPPED!

This is for a limited time so hurry by to see Live kitties, Pure 9t's, Rare traits, & new toy & teacup! Be sure to check the Megas!

Nic has some great bargains at her store too! 6 Degrees is the place to check out!

Don't miss this one that is ready for some lovin'! bow chicka wow wow Wink

? 38 days ?? 100%
Fur: Bengal - Tawny
Eyes: Apple (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Twinkle
Tail: Fussy
Ears: Boo Boo
Whiskers: White (Shape: Mysterious)
Size: 49 cm (19.2 inch)

****// message me here or in world if you have any questions! ~posh

Big Grin
bumpin... don't miss this great bengal that is ready for a mate! check it out ya'll Smile
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