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Full Version: Blush with Grotto on Snowshoe Blue
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Yay! Can someone please send me a mysterious shaped grotto eye LOL
[Image: 12980939653_75c11e3713.jpg]
Blushing Grotto

Fur: Snowshoe - Bluepoint
Eyes: Grotto (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Blush
Tail: Mysterious
Ears: Soft Fold
Whiskers: Black (Shape: Mysterious)
Wow! Wtg....just gorgeous.. I so love that eye!
Well done.
oooo...Awesome kitty Malayaa! Heart
Gorgeous!! Congrats!
hehe. now you just need to get that snowshoe into a cream, and adjust the whiskers and tail and you will have The Rarest Kitty in the World!
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