02-26-2014, 07:29 AM
Every now and then I like to take a look at how KittyCatS are doing. That is, make an estimate as to how many cats there are out there breeding, how many people are breeding, etc.
This is part of a personal research project into how breedable perform, in general. Some breedables provide detailed information, and I track them on a regular basis. KittyCatS information is a bit harder to track. But, every now and then, I take a look at how things are going. So, here goes:
I'm estimating no more 2.1 Million cats have been produced. This number is probably high, perhaps by as much as 0.13 Million. So, a good working estimate is just 2 Million.
I'm estimating that about 3,250 boxes are produced each day. I have low confidence in this number, and estimate the error range to be +/- 250 boxes.
Given that, and the about-a-week breeding cycle, I'm estimating that the breeding population is presently around 45,500 adults.
There are, at present, 17,400 accounts on the web server. Based upon the early adopter retention rate of 19%, I'd estimate there are about 3,500 players actively breeding.
This puts the average Cattery size at about a dozen breeding cats. Of course, there is wide variation in Cattery size. Many players have just a couple, and a few have hundreds.
There is no way to estimate the number of cats which are no longer breeding, or boxes, but, at a guess, I'd suggest they total well over ten times the breeding population. So, my guess would be the total Cattery is about half a million cats and boxes.
That means about 1.5 million cats and boxes have been sent to the Menagerie. That's about 430 per active breeder (which seems reasonable).
While these numbers seem quite different than those for other breedable product lines, if I adjust for effective product life, relative costs, etc., KittyCatS ranks at the top, or quite close to it.
20 to 30 new users join the web site, per day.
While most breedables see the number of new accounts, per day, slowly taper off to nothing, KittyCatS have actually seen an increase in their daily rate. Until September of 2013, the rate was fairly stable between 10 and 20 new users, per day. This puts KittyCatS well ahead of the pack and is the reason their production rates are, if not growing, holding steady when their typical competitor is seeing slow, but steady, declines on all metrics.
While I attribute most of the success of the KittyCatS market to the company's consistent good customer support. expansion of the product line, and innovation, I feel it important to point out the company's marketing efforts over the last year, most notably the phenomenal success of the Firestorm Birthday campaign, have been the main reason the company is seeing growth when a typical breedable product would not.
This is part of a personal research project into how breedable perform, in general. Some breedables provide detailed information, and I track them on a regular basis. KittyCatS information is a bit harder to track. But, every now and then, I take a look at how things are going. So, here goes:
I'm estimating no more 2.1 Million cats have been produced. This number is probably high, perhaps by as much as 0.13 Million. So, a good working estimate is just 2 Million.
I'm estimating that about 3,250 boxes are produced each day. I have low confidence in this number, and estimate the error range to be +/- 250 boxes.
Given that, and the about-a-week breeding cycle, I'm estimating that the breeding population is presently around 45,500 adults.
There are, at present, 17,400 accounts on the web server. Based upon the early adopter retention rate of 19%, I'd estimate there are about 3,500 players actively breeding.
This puts the average Cattery size at about a dozen breeding cats. Of course, there is wide variation in Cattery size. Many players have just a couple, and a few have hundreds.
There is no way to estimate the number of cats which are no longer breeding, or boxes, but, at a guess, I'd suggest they total well over ten times the breeding population. So, my guess would be the total Cattery is about half a million cats and boxes.
That means about 1.5 million cats and boxes have been sent to the Menagerie. That's about 430 per active breeder (which seems reasonable).
While these numbers seem quite different than those for other breedable product lines, if I adjust for effective product life, relative costs, etc., KittyCatS ranks at the top, or quite close to it.
20 to 30 new users join the web site, per day.
While most breedables see the number of new accounts, per day, slowly taper off to nothing, KittyCatS have actually seen an increase in their daily rate. Until September of 2013, the rate was fairly stable between 10 and 20 new users, per day. This puts KittyCatS well ahead of the pack and is the reason their production rates are, if not growing, holding steady when their typical competitor is seeing slow, but steady, declines on all metrics.
While I attribute most of the success of the KittyCatS market to the company's consistent good customer support. expansion of the product line, and innovation, I feel it important to point out the company's marketing efforts over the last year, most notably the phenomenal success of the Firestorm Birthday campaign, have been the main reason the company is seeing growth when a typical breedable product would not.