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Full Version: New Traits Deluge
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Yes, as Kay says the best WTG is to decide which recessive traits you like the best and stick to that project, maybe sometimes including some new ones that come along and that you like.

Fur: Balinese - Cream Lynx
Eyes: Light Wash (Mysterious|Small)
Shade: Flash
Tail: Fussy
Ears: Pointed Soft Fold
Whiskers: Blonde Streaked (Plush)

This is one of her kitties that i have, some of the traits are 2 years old or more, but this is still an astounding combo and you won't see many kitties around that reach that level. Also a very valuable breeder as the traits are all pure so with it you know exactly where you are going

Proof i think that theres no need to get into a panic because you " can't keep up " with the regular tsunamis of new traits Big Grin
(02-25-2014 10:58 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]Gee, and we've not yet had

* Mardi Gras cats (end of February, due in about 6 days, if they're not skipped this year)
* the St Patrick's day special trait (mid March)
* Easter collection (early April)
* Spring RFL event cats (mid May)
* SL11B freebies (mid June)

Could KittyCatS better manager the timing and quantity of new releases? Yes

If they did so, it would have any effect upon "market value"? No

Can KittyCatS do anything to stem the Annual Spring Complaints About New Traits threads? No

Can KittyCatS do anything to stem the Annual End-Of-Summer Complaints About Markets Crashing threads? No. Oops, sorry, this last probably should wait until June when those threads start appearing.

What, then, DOES put an end to all these complaints? The "summer doldrums" and the start of the next "flood" this coming Halloween.

Very educational Tad. I guess not all of us have had so many year's experience in observing the annual complaints cycle! LOL
Perhaps if something was done to address them, for example fewer traits were released and spaced out better, the cyclical nature of these complaints would not keep recurring every year?
Alternatively, we can recognize that newcomers will want to contribute their own feedback every year, and allow them that privilege?
"I think I should be excited when I see a new trait, instead of a feeling of "oh no..."

Nino, this really cracked me up, that is exactly how I feel "oh what, another trait um "darn" instead Yay a new fur/trait.

Just got a nice traited 8 Bengal Black from Tess' lovely line of Bengals and now probably not worth as much as I wish, so another "cutie" I keep rather than sell for cheap. I am content like a lot of other breeders just to make enough profit to feed and pay rent but that is becoming more difficult with the influx of new traits.
*whispers* and looks over her shoulders to see if the big 4 aren't here, I só dislike soft curl ...

I wouldn't have want to miss Ody Rounded Fold or Rounded Fold.
If they decided to bring Soft Curl only I would have been a tad sour I'm affraid.
(02-25-2014 08:00 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]*whispers* and looks over her shoulders to see if the big 4 aren't here, I só dislike soft curl ...

I wouldn't have want to miss Ody Rounded Fold or Rounded Fold.
If they decided to bring Soft Curl only I would have been a tad sour I'm affraid.

LOL Kayleigh! Tongue
(02-24-2014 11:28 PM)Zevara Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Regarding the Saga docs...
It's everyone's responsibility to send in the information that they find regarding trait recessiveness, and it does not fall solely on those who manage the documents. They can only update them as quickly as they gain information.

Very well said, Zevara - could not have put it better myself Smile

Every time there's en influx of new traits, I see people breeding out a new fur or trait and then asking "Where is this fur on the dominance charts? WHY is it not there yet?"

The answer is simple: Because YOU did not send in the info that YOU have... and no one else did either.

I will yet again remind you that the charts may bear my name, and already years ago I had to give up on mentioning EVERY contributor's name on the charts themselves (I tried - it got way too long...), but they are a community project that exists only because hundreds of people sent in the proof that they found. With no contributions, the charts are NOTHING.... Nothing at all. Completely and utterly worthless.

This does not mean that you should send a notecard every time you breed out anything - but if it PROVES anything, then it is very important.
If you are in doubt what is proof and what isn't, ask in KC chat, go to classes, ask people in the community. Myself and Liriel are NOT the only people who knows stuff, many people know Smile
You can use Gyazo or whatever to take a screen-dump of your pedigree and ask in KC Addicts chat "Hey, anyone knows if this proves anything? Should I sent it in for the charts?" - not only will many know how to answer your question, but chances are that both you and others will learn something from it, too :-)

Then when you know you have a proof, send it to Liriel Garnet - the more detailed the better. Don't send a pedigree with no comments - send a pedigree with a comment like "Hey, I believe this proves this-and-that because something-something" or "This cat Fluffy shows this-and-that which I believe proves that his mom Bertha hides something-something, which came from her dad the Starter Cat and proves that something-something" - BE SPECIFIC - it eases the workload a great deal when chewing through tons of pedigrees to update those darned charts for you all :-)

Last but not least, I will yet again remind everyone that Liriel Garnet manages the charts now, not me. So do not send me info -unless- you are completely unable to get a hold of Liriel for days.

Happy breeding, everyone <3

About even out the holidays with new traits, there's more holidays during the winter half of the year than there is during the summer half of the year. The special limited edition cats are often based off of the holidays in RL. I think that could be why it's hard to even out the trait-releases. (Though I wouldn't mind a midsummer-holiday event of new special kittans! Big Grin They could sell lil maypoles as scratching posts for the cats to climb! :3). And during the summer a lot of people go off on holiday and if something gets released while they are off sunbathing we would be getting threads complaining about KC not being considerate of the people that go off on holiday on the summers and other people getting a headstart cuz they didn't go off on holiday and so on. Sometimes there is no pleasing everyone, I'm happy with how the releases work currently because I can spend my summers saving up, perhaps even go out and buy an icecream and sit in the sun for a day, getting ready for the winter half of the year and the excitement of new cats and new collectibles.
Hey guys. Just chiming in real fast to thank you all for the feedback - we are keeping an eye on this thread and will take your comments into consideration for the future. Also as a general friendly reminder - remember to keep comments constructive and respect others' opinions, etc. Thanks, and carry on. Smile
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