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I am desperately seeking the FAIR LADY Mega. This cat is incredibly special to me because it is a perfect representation of the main character from the YA Fantasy novel I have just completed writing. (My first!)

I have the BOLDED LOVE - LOVE (Multi-colored) MEGA to trade. Or I will pay cash. Or cash and a combination of KittyCats jewels, retired collectibles, awesome breeders and even gacha rares. I am desperate for this cat.

Please help me get my dream cat. Send me a PM here or in world if you have a Mega Fair Lady. And if anyone sees one, please also let me know.

Thank you,

Adrienne Heart
I am desperately seeking the FAIR LADY Mega. This cat is incredibly special to me because it is a perfect representation of the main character from the YA Fantasy novel I have just completed writing. (My first!)

I have the BOLDED LOVE - LOVE (Multi-colored) MEGA to trade. (Or will pay in cash, jewels, collectibles, cats.)

Please help me get my dream cat. Send me a PM here or in world if you have a Mega Fair Lady. And if anyone sees one, please also let me know.

Thank you,

Adrienne Heart
I keep my eyes open for you Adrienne!
I hope you find your dream kitty soon <3
Thank you so much, Kayleigh!

And congrats again on getting your own "Dream" kitty last night! (And thank you for the incredibly generous amount you spent for charity.)

Heart Adrienne
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