So, I know I brought this up ages ago, and bumped my thread ages ago. Today I decided to check and see if KittyCatS products were available on Marketplace, as I had been assured they would be. I was VERY disappointed to see that only starter packs were available there. I am sorry, but going to the store for food is the biggest hassle in all of sl for me. The sim is laggy on good days and awful on bad ones. Starter packs on marketplace? That's great for when there are new genetics in the packs, but for normal times....not such a big deal. I really need to see food, milk, and vitamins (well, I don't care much about vitamins as I don't use them, but I know many others who give them to their cats constantly.)
Very frustrated and very disappointed at this moment in a company that otherwise shines.
I agree that it would be much more useful to have the food and vitamins on the marketplace. The KC sim is lovely, but sometimes you just need to get the food and don't need the hassle of going to the store.
It would also enable us to buy food for our friends if, say, we wanted to give a kitten to someone new to kittycats. Then that person can get addicted too

what she says.
I'd love to get food and milk by mail order.
(07-03-2011 09:25 AM)Kyorisa Yven Wrote: [ -> ]It would also enable us to buy food for our friends if, say, we wanted to give a kitten to someone new to kittycats. Then that person can get addicted too 
x100. If you could buy food for friends, that would be a greaaat way to get them involved. No one wants to gift cats because there's not a good way to gift food with them. Friends rarely want the starters. They want your 'cute' cats. If you can give them the cat you just bred out that they fell for PLUS a month of food, then you expand your customer base enormously. It's got to be worth the time and effort to your staff to implement this. could greatly increase revenues from vitamin sales if people didn't have to go anywhere to get them, particularly when love drops are released. If people could buy that 1% without going could ensure massive sales of that. Vitamins are all about convenience to begin with, and if you gave them the added convenience of the marketplace, that would remove one of the last hurdles in breeders' minds about buying them. Once they're on marketplace, the only remaining question is price, and with the impulse buyability of marketplace...a lot of them will have it in cart and checking out before they think twice.
I really enjoy going to the store, though I'm lucky, it's not laggy to me and I enjoy botheri-.. Err.. I mean, keep the CSRs company too

But I can see the frustration for the people that it is laggy for to be able to have it on the marketplace. And especially with the ability to buy food for friends and such. This could maybe be allowed in the store too? Like a gift-package of food for a month or so that you can buy and hand to a friend =3
I had to go buy milk last night and the only other avi on the sim was Tabby Tophat, I still had the rubberband effect caused by lag....for this reason alone I tend to avoid the sim (and stayed only long enough to buy my milk and leave.)
Most of us will still want to go to the sim when we want to buy things with our K$, as that can't be implemented on the Marketplace...and some people don't like shopping on the Marketplace, so if there was that option, we could all be happy.
Kimberly, i'm not sure at all why the sim has been so laggy for you, I go there almost daily and i never had lag, but thanks for letting us know as i'm going to look into that.
also... thanks for you input about wanting us on the marketplace and also for all your input in the past as a customer

i second the motion to make at least food&milk available on the marketplace.
Responding to the lag question....not sure, my computer is relatively new and a "good" one at that. My internet connection is superfast and I am not on a wireless router, I am connected directly into my modem. My lag, as a rule, is generally comparable to other folks in sl, sometimes better and sometimes worse, but not so different that its worrisome.
ahhhh foood to be send as a gift from the Marketplace would be a supergreat possibility ....
also a inworld version of the food that is buyable as a gift .... would make a wonderful opportunity