Thank you KittyCats for the new collection

Very nice kitties
I have a question please:
Is there special baby with the new valentine 2014 ?
Excuse my bad english, I speak french
KittyCatS - RomantiCatS! Fast Facts!
? are the KittyCatS RomantiCatS! transferable- yes!
? do they come with food? yes! they come with one week food, 5% love vitamins, one love drop!
? do they come with a special animation? - yes! They come with a romantic blanket for you, your cat & your partner. You find it in their "interact" menu!
? do they come with the collars? - No
? can I buy more than one? - yes!
? can i sell or trade them? - yes!
? do they pass on their coats/eyes/tails/ears? -the RomantiCatS! traits do not pass on, they are a specially designed collectible cat with random Genesis KittyCat traits which have the potential to pass their hidden traits like any other Genesis KittyCat. They can carry the genes of the new traits and furs that can only be discovered through breeding.
? can they breed something special? – yes! If you mate 2 "RomantiCatS!" they will give you a special baby you will NOT want to miss!!!!
You know, I think it's rather silly to just have the romanticats give a special baby, and not have a sign up stating that the bold loves don't.
I really feel like I wasted 1580L on a pair.
I hope they change this, because as it is now, even looking at the advert in the group notices, nothing was mentioned, and I kinda want my money back.
(02-11-2014 11:28 PM)Ruthie Munro Wrote: [ -> ]You know, I think it's rather silly to just have the romanticats give a special baby, and not have a sign up stating that the bold loves don't.
I really feel like I wasted 1580L on a pair.
I hope they change this, because as it is now, even looking at the advert in the group notices, nothing was mentioned, and I kinda want my money back.
Hi Ruthie
I was a little confused about this too since we could obtain both genders from the bold collection as well and this suggested to me there was a special baby to breed for because in the history if there wasn't a special baby usually they had no seperate vendors for boys and girls.
I thought to let you know though despite of this there were several special KittyCatS! releases which didn't give a special baby in the past and KC does things in that aspect always a littlebit different.
Sometimes collectibles carry special traits we can breed for we can only get by breeding those specific collectibles and other times there were no special babies at all while in other releases all specials gave a special baby.
I can understand you confusion though! :-)
wht i find weird is that only one of the collections make the special baby. My exp in the past has been either both collections made one or neither of them did (which was very rare) So why would they choose to only have the RomantiCats have a special baby and not the Bold Love cats? I agree with the person that said we should have been told in a notice prior to getting the cats. I got my cats from a friend and I saw no indication in the group about which cats produced special or not. All that was in there was the picture. I feel this was badly released which surprised me as KC has usually been on top of things like this a lot better.
Dunno about in-world announcements and such, but has anyone noticed the picture on the web site announcement (in "Mews Paper" section) for the RomantiCats titles them Bold Love.
Ya know, last night I was wandering through the house and stubbed my toe. It didn't hurt much and, that, for only a moment. But, boy, did Charm make a fuss and, sheesh, did it take a long time to convince her I'm not going night-blind with my advancing age. I dunno, but somehow I feel like making much of a fuss about mistakes here is sorta the same thing.
giggles Tad (Hi5 Charm)

Hi all!
sorry for the confusion for some! when we do certain collections there are many variables that go into if we do a special baby or not. they can be anything from time to inspiration... and everything in between.
for example, we'd never make a "special baby" (as they are now called) if i (as the designer) didn't feel inspired to have it be "special" and not simply something to "put out". for us, having inspiration is KEY. i wish it were scientific, and perhaps it is in some way i don't know but what i'm trying to say is, we want a "special baby" to really be SPECIAL.
also to clarify on the gender choice on purchases... this was a request given to us before we ever had special babies as some had felt they really wanted to have a "pair" that were male and female regardless of if the design matched or not.
we always make sure in the FAST FACTS part of the notecard so that it's clear what each collection set offers. so if a collection set can have a special baby we list it there. so it's important to read the notecards and the forum section where we post the details too!
that all being said... the kitties hope you like them and they do like you we've been told.

(02-12-2014 02:04 PM)Callie Cline Wrote: [ -> ]...
for example, we'd never make a "special baby" (as they are now called) if i (as the designer) didn't feel inspired to have it be "special" and not simply something to "put out". for us, having inspiration is KEY. i wish it were scientific, and perhaps it is in some way i don't know but what i'm trying to say is, we want a "special baby" to really be SPECIAL.
This makes much sense to me!
The Bold kitties look like the line is finished indeed! :-)
And I'm actually glad you don't just produce to be honest doing this if you have inspiration for it gives us lovelier kitties I think.
(02-12-2014 02:04 PM)Callie Cline Wrote: [ -> ]we always make sure in the FAST FACTS part of the notecard so that it's clear what each collection set offers. so if a collection set can have a special baby we list it there. so it's important to read the notecards and the forum section where we post the details too! 
Hi Callie,
Well, that's the point : there was no note card coming with the notices when the cats have been released, only pictures.
There was nothing posted on the forum before
02-11-2014, 07:28 PM, so the only way to get the information was by... buying a cat, since the group chat was also broken and not working.