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title: just before a milk run

so many cats
so little time
to cuddle
got milk?

[Image: 9da1945c7743d847814d755e57cfd88d.png]
You have a vast selection there!

Lovely kitties and sorry about disappearing on you mid IM; had power outage!
Hi Maxwell,
yep I went a little nuts. I opened my first box 33 days ago. I got a couple starters, started exploring kittie markets, found 100% love tables and $L100 gachas and promptly was addicted to both. The 100% love tables are a quick fix for a kitty junkie when you get the itch (if I can find a couple cheap enough, I don't spend much when I am cruising for a fix but I've gotten some nice kitties that way but usually towards the end of their 120 days cycle). I've been addicted to gachas right from the beginning because one $L40 gacha gave me their best cat, a 9-trait siamese and another $L100 gacha gave ma a diamond megapuss (of course, since then mostly I've been stuck with genesis cats but I still hope for the next big hit like a gambler). Then 5 days ago, i found someone selling 2 unboxed purrballs for $500 next to the wall (the rest of their purrballs and specials were $999 and up) so I grabbed them -- that was the most I ever paid for kitties. So I ended up with a bunch of kits and am discovering their hidden now -- I can't spend as much on gachas anymore cuz I'm scrounging for kittie food and milk, lol. I haven't honed in on what I like best yet although I'm starting to think it is going to be white cats with purple eyes, bengals with green, siamese flames with green (shamrock or lucky) and brown pandas with jade. I think I like the ocies too. And the tabbies. And the ..... uh, I guess I haven't really started honing in yet. Smile I'm not ready to sell yet so I keep everything. I had to take most the furniture, house and everything off the land to fit the cats -- I can't believe I went this nuts inside of one month. Ooooh, I'm having a kitty. Be back soon.
No worries, Mrs Seren. I know how it goes. Hope the power outage was not cuz of a storm.
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