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My ideal Mega, even. Must be Silver Tabby with Rainbow eyes - the rest is negotiable but I prefer these:

American Shorthair Silver Tabby
Eyes: Odyssey Rainbow/Prismatic/Rainbow Prism
Ears: Boo Boo/Odyssey Boo Boo/Odyssey No 1/Odyssey No 2/Rounded Fold/Soft Fold
Whiskers: 2 tone b&W/black/black streaked
Boo Boo/Fussy/Mysterious/Plush/Stubby/Swanky

I've managed a normal sized silver with rainbow eyes and will keep on breeding until I make or find one!
(02-06-2014 09:01 AM)BAUER1611 Resident Wrote: [ -> ]

Oooh! Excellent breeding options. Can I get an inworld IM quote for a bulk deal on line 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 & 9? Yes, I'm serious. Smile
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