I have a LOT of collectibles from different eras, including some I don't see around very often. I'm wondering what are the average prices being charged for the different collectibles, particularly the Halloween '11 cats and collectibles from 2011-2012. Some are boxed, some are live (retired), all are normal size.
Jumping in quickly here.
Some of the 2011 especially could be worth quite a lot, and also many collections had one rarer than the others, therefore pretty expensive in fact, 2011 or 2012.
So please don't get talked into letting them go for 2 or 3K before knowing exactly what you have there.
You could try contacting Kayleigh McMillan, who has loads of collectibles, knows that market and i know will give you correct estimations. I'm not sure who else specializes in collectibles these days.
I myself have quite a few so you can check out the prices at my store if you like :
You will find other sellers price lower and some higher than i do.
Good luck and don't rush into any sales that you may later regret.
Hi MuiKitten,
KittyCatS specials which go over a year old I'd like to call the antiques and certainly those from 2011 but also Halloween 2011 and the winter collection 2011: the raindears, the royals and the Icedolls.
Retired or boxed doesn't really matter anymore at a certain point especially not when the special didn't make a special baby or included exclusive to that special related traits.
It is tough to give you a general estimation feel free to PM me here with a list of what you have and I will help you tagging them as good as possible
(02-03-2014 04:10 PM)Kayleigh McMillan Wrote: [ -> ]Hi MuiKitten,
KittyCatS specials which go over a year old I'd like to call the antiques and certainly those from 2011 but also Halloween 2012 and the winter collection 2012: the raindears, the royals and the Icedolls.
I think you meant Winter
2011 concerning the Raindears, Royals of Winterland & Ice Babies, Kayleigh.