Wonderful job, Astrid. Thank you. Now, I know where my Exotic Seas falls.
(01-28-2014 06:43 AM)Crepe Myrtle Wrote: [ -> ]Wonderful job, Astrid. Thank you. Now, I know where my Exotic Seas falls.
Yay! You are most welcome, I am glad I could help someone

(01-28-2014 02:58 AM)AstridSolace Resident Wrote: [ -> ]Hello kittycats friends, I have here a possible proof that Tapestry Reef is recessive to Tapestry Harvest, and Tapestry Reef is also dominant to Peach Bellini. I also have another proof on another thread here that suggests Exotics Seas eye is dominant to Rainbow Prism eyes.
I hope this helps as well for Tapestry Reef.
Tapestry Reef
Another update on Tapestry Reef eyes ^^ I have proof that Tapestry Reef is dominant to Ody Carnival eyes. The kitten in question threw Blueberry eyes, which must of been hiding behind mothers Tapestry Reef eyes, and therefore also hiding behind grandmothers Ody Carnival eyes, as grandad can only hide Tapestry Reef. So Tapesty Reef falls somewhere between Beach Blue and Ody Carnival.
Strict genetics would lead one to question this assertion. But ...
"Granddad can only hide Tapestry Reef" because BlueBerry (introduced around Feb, 2012) was retired prior to the Halloween 2013 collection appeared, and so cannot appear in Grandad.
This is an excellent example of why the date a trait was introduced, AND the date it was retired, are sometimes as important knowing the dominance relationships.
hmm, I've some idea that exotic seas is actually recessive to ice crystal.
Paired a monster (so genesis) with a cat showing ice crystal, no exotic seas in the parents or grandparents.
First offspring showed ice crystal.
Mated that kitten with another that has no exotic seas anywhere showing in parents or grandparents.
That offspring showed exotic seas, which almost certainly comes from the monster, hidden under ice crystal.
Yes, that is what Saga's charts show: between Canary (which is recessive to Ice Crystal) and Tapestry Royale.