02-12-2014, 06:27 AM
(02-12-2014 04:33 AM)Tad Carlucci Wrote: [ -> ]I watched Charm have the problem. I pointed out to her that the official position is all such occurrences are "user error." While she could not guarantee she clicked the correct box, she was pretty adamant she had. But, since she was not 100% sure it was not her error, we let it drop.
I know where, in the code, the error must be occurring. But, until Rocky's post I had no idea WHY it was occurring.
The observation about incomplete loading seems a likely culprit for the triggering event.
If so, it's not the size of the list but the speed at which the page FULLY loads (n.b.: not "starts to appear" .. not "appears on the screen" .. I mean FULLY as in all scripts, style sheets, and images, complete downloading and are processed by your web browser). On my Firefox, that means the cursor stops spinning and the messages ("Waiting .." "Transferring .." ... stuff like that) stop appearing on the bottom of my screen. Different versions or different browsers will have different hints.
Rocky's solution of waiting a good long time before clicking is good. Of course, it's not the best since it's easy to forget to wait; but it should work.
KC: Disable the new buttons for unpack, rename, menagerie boxes until [ document.readyState == "complete" ] should solve this.
While we could do that, i don't think its the cause, since the id is sent directly from the buttons to the functions that handle unpacking/Menagerie. In the worse case, if some of the code would not be loaded, it would simply fail to unpack completely, but not unpack the wrong cat. It would also not result in wrong images or traits shown, as they are directly extracted from the table row with matching ID, regardless if other rows are not loaded yet. if somehow one of the lists would be erased before clicking unpack a second time for the same cat, it would result in the wrong image/cat showing up, but not the wrong cat beeing unpacked.
I also tested this in a test cattery with 1000 cats and 6000 boxes, but couldn't reproduce it while it was loading, in different browsers. Neither could i reproduce it by accessing the catteries of those who reported it.
This test cattery was, while it was loading, a bit hard to handle, and i selected a few times almost the wrong cat. Also, as many cats with very similar traits were listed below each other, i had a hard time to figure out if i really clicked the right cat...
However, we have a solution that will solve any wrong un-packings in future. It will cover all errors be they due to SL, KittyCatS, browser or user error.
Thank you for your input as always.